Our short story starts with a short girl living in a short town in a short house as a dwarf. The town she lives in is called Short town. The town is a place for dwarfs and everything there is tiny. There is one special rule in that town that is very important. If there is violence seen, then the dwarf will get exiled out of Short town and have to live outside of the town. Our main character’s name is Holiday Short. She is pretty short tall for a dwarf and has choppy gold hair. She has dark brown eyes like dark chocolate. She is a little bit tanned and always wears her favorite red polka dot hat her dad gave to her before he died. She is awesome at fighting but she has to fight secretly in her attic with a dummy. She has a fierce personality and never gives up on anything. When she was 9 years old her father died of the disease Alsclude and she didn’t come out of her room for 3 days. After that, Holiday and her mom, Cristina went and lived with their grandma. Her grandma had a dog named Fluffy and soon as Holiday saw fluffy she immediately loved fluffy and they became best friends. Fluffy followed Holiday everywhere. Even when Holiday worked. Holiday worked in a bookstore, but not a lot of people came. After her shop shut down, Holiday’s mother suddenly became sick. Then Holiday remembered a book about a fruit to cure anyone’s sickness so she headed out to the journey with her best friend lucy. After a few weeks throwing up in the ocean, they finally went to this unknown Island. Suddenly from a box something moved! Lucy and Holiday trembled in fear but it was fluffy. All together the group set out to find the cure but could only find a spooky cave blocked with a rock. They rolled and pushed and put everything they could but the rock was too heavy. When they gave up and sat in front of the rock and when Holiday put her head back suddenly the rock started to move! They went inside quietly and the rock closed. They couldn’t believe it right in front of them it was the cure fruit with tons of jewelry! Holiday said to both of her friends to not touch anything. But then when they tried to get close, Fluffy suddenly started to bark at Lucy. The fruit started to go up and up the cave and the rocks started to move! When the group moved closer, it was a giant snake! Holiday asked her friends if they took anything. Fluffy shook his head and when she looked to Lucy’s way, she was gone! She had went up to the small hole in the top of the cave and said “ So long losers!” while holding all the jewels she can find but what she didn’t know about the jewels were that they were cursed. Immediately she fell from the hole and after one gulp, down she went into the snake’s stomach. Holiday trembled in fear as the snake came closer to them. She found a cursed sword and with all her might she flung it to the snake but it didn’t crack one bit. She suddenly remembered what her mom told her before she left on the journey. Her mom said to scream I need help mom. Holiday didn’t think that she would need to do that but she screamed what her mom had told her. Suddenly a bright light came and everything went black. She found her dad wandering and she ran to him but he disappeared. To be continued…...
death of life?