Global warming. This guy (or girl) won the "world's biggest problem" for over 5 years. It's very serious, and of course, we care! What am I talking about???
Well, I just want to question, do we care about the earth, animals, glaciers, and more? Obviously, we need to care. That's my point. Do we care about the living creatures that are actually being inflicted by the pain, or are we just afraid that the harm of global warming will affect us?
Let's say, by some miracle, that Global Warming doesn't affect us. It will never. It will only harm the animals, plants, Then, will we be working ever so passionately, going on in 30-minute lectures to innocent students? Probably not.
It's just in the process of saving us, we get to save everyone. I can't believe that I was thick enough not to notice this. I mean sure, there are some tree-huggers out there, but most "don't care" or just "pretend to care" or "Just care bout humanity and our survival".
Is this really right? We are taking up everything, just because we were lucky enough? Most people don't realize how strong nature can be and how much it affects our lives. We're making plans to ditch earth. Did you know? Earth is too crippled and wasted, so we are moving to the Moon or Mars or somewhere, but not very soon.... but wow. So less loyalty.
I feel like we are doomed. We can't undo this.... only delay. Right now, I think that you're going to be a bit afraid of at least surprised, but tomorrow, you will probobly forget and be skipping with ice cream.... All I'm trying to say here is that: we need to care. Really.
-The end-

Today I saw like, a 2nd grade girl with those "Phantom of the opera" masks (only not halfed) with the squid game triangle drawn on there (lol). And, when her brother offered her dalgona, she said "I can't. I'm on a diet, you see". LOL
And there was this extra teacher that was fat. And then my friend said "His belly is kind of......", and then (he didn't hear it) the teacher said "I think that I'm going to die of hunger!!!" and then, just LOL.