So my mind is blank. And NO I will not write about me not knowing about what to write and stuff… but let's get onto some business. So like, I've been looking at Joyce’s blog about Evil Mr. Brad and Julia’s blog about stupid school stuff and these days, iv’e been thinking about donuts. And you know where this is going. I will create a superhero, rather a DONUT HERO to defeat all of these horrible problems in the world.
Title: Donut Legends
DAY 1.
I am known by many names. The Sprinkled Man. Chocolate Dribble. The Legend Donut. The Rainbow Knight. Donut of Justice. But I am most famously known… as Bob Da Donut Guy! I am the savior of humans, especially the super-duper-secret-hero-to-the-students-of(I am lowering my voice because this is coming from my super big-boom brain)-the-krazy(YOU)-ones. Wait.Did you hear that? How… That was a super-duper-secret secret said out loud to myself! You are the spies from Dr. Evil_Brad! SMOKE-DONUT-BOMB
DAY 2.
Today is going to be the day. I have syruped myself in dark chocolate, like a ninja. A Donut Ninja. I will be facing A LOT of monsters, and when I mean A LOT, I mean A LOT. The Textbook Math Joker. Science Bane. Social Study Woman. And the Cafeteria_Food_Mini_Hotdog_Without_Ketchap! All are controlled by the Dr. Evil_Brad. Now that I explained everything,
To be continued…
p.s. This is going to be a short series
