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DAY 1.

I am known by many names. The Sprinkled Man. Chocolate Dribble. The Legend Donut. The Rainbow Knight. Donut of Justice. But I am most famously known… as Donutman! I am the savior of humans, especially children whose nightmares are filled with the dreaded Mr. Evil_Brad and his squad. Wait. Did you hear me? How… That was a super-duper-secret secret said out loud to myself! You are the spies from Dr. Evil_Brad! SMOKE-DONUT-BOMB

DAY 2.

Today is going to be the day. I have syruped myself in dark chocolate, like a ninja. A Donut Ninja. I will be facing A LOT of monsters, and when I mean A LOT, I mean A LOT. The Textbook Math Joker. Science Bane. Social Study Woman. And the Cafeteria_Food_Mini_Hotdog_Without_Ketchap! All are controlled by Dr. Evil_Brad. Now that I explained everything,


Day 3.

But before I get into my donut shaped U.F.O, I need a theme song. Ahem-Ahem.

Donutman, Donutman

Does whatever a donut can

Makes the dough, any size,

Catches the cries of “HELP DONUTMAN”

Look Out!

Here comes the Donutman

Is he strong?

Listen bud,

He's got super donut blood.

Can he ride his Donut U.F.O?

Take a look overhead

Hey, there

There goes the Donutman.

In the chill of night

At the scene of a crime

Like a streak of light

He arrives just in time.

Donutman, Donutman

Kicking Evil Butt, Donutman

Wealth and fame

He's ignored

Action is his reward.

To him, life is a great big bang up

Wherever there's a hang up

You'll find the Donutman.

CopyRight DonutMan;

What a wonderful theme song for the greatest superhero ever! But now(really), onto my Donut U.F.O. I fly through the skies like a donut on a Donut U.F.O… which absurdly(ironically),is me. But as I hear the infamous cry of “Help, Donutman!”I steer my vehicle towards the voice and I fly out of my U.F.O to kick some butt. But to my astonishment, I am face to face with Cafeteria_Food_Mini_Hotdog_Without_Ketchap! He should be in Food Prison but how did he escape?! He must have bribed the guard Huan(the H is silent)with pickles! Curses! He chuckles as he overthrows a Guacamole stand.

“Well well well well well well well well well well wel”-”WILL YOU STOP SAYING WELL WELL WELL?!”, I finally shouted. Cafeteria_Food_Mini_Hotdog_Without_Ketchap looks at me with confusion in his eyes. “But I was doing a dramatic effect of meeting my greatest enemy outside a Guacamole stand!” he shouts back. Then I look at HIM with confusion. “Wait, what did you say?”, I ask. He blinks. “Um, Guacamole stand?”, “No before that…?”, “Um, greatest enemy?”. Then I laugh. “You are not my greatest enemy Cafeteria_Food_Mini_Hotdog_Without_Ketchap. Mr. Evil_Brad is.”. Cafeteria_Food_Mini_Hotdog_Without_Ketchap blinks at me several times and turns and runs away sniffling and ew, green goo coming out of his nose. The Guacamole stand owner who had been watching the entire scene came out of a trash can he was hiding in.

“Um… Thanks Donutman?”. “NP”, I say. But as I climbed back onto my Donut U.F.O, something was nagging at the back of my brain. Why did Cafeteria_Food_Mini_Hotdog_Without_Ketchap cry and blubber like a baby? Why did that guac taste so good?! I sigh as I drive my Donut U.F.O back into my H.Q. I guess not all questions have answers. As I get into my PJ’s, I think, why did I go out in the first place? Then I remember. “Oh right. I was going to stop Mr.Evil_Brad from something.”. I guess I'll have to do that tomorrow. But right, Tomorrow is Saturday! I take a break! I guess I’ll do whatever I was going to do on Monda-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


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