As you guys probably already know, it was earth day this Thursday. Yeah I know. You recycle and turn off the lights and whatsoever and think about all of the pollution. BORING… But this Thursday was more fun.
So I went to school this Thursday and guess what? We didn’t even study at all. All we did was just play all day. So in 1st period, we moved all of our seats and got new ones. Then in 2nd period, this teacher came in and we made some kind of craft. We made a tree out of moss. You guys have probably heard of 이끼 right? Do that’s what we made. It was so cute! The moss is so soft it feels like cotton. I put real flowers on the trees and a real tree stick for the stem of the tree. And then put mini fences and ladybugs around it. I think we did it with a real tree stick, real flowers and real moss because it was earth day and they didn’t want to use paper or anything. anyways , after that was finished i loved it. It was so cute!! After that teacher was gone, it was third period and we even watched a MOVIE. I mean what kind of school is this?? Wow. It was the best day ever. The movie was called the Lorex. It was about a town that had so much pollution that you had to PAY for air. So then this boy named Ted wanted to plant a tree in the middle of the town that way everyone can have fresh air for FREE and because he wanted to impress this girl that he liked. (GROSS) so then he plants a tree in the middle of the town square.
So that’s what I did on Thursday at school. It was the best day ever.

My teacher was all like 'Billions of years ago, the earth was made…. RECYCLE.... TURN OFF YOUR LIGHTS PEOPLE!!!'
I didn't go 2 school at all thursday
On earth day, my teacher ranted about how important it was to save the earth and recycle, blah,blah,blah. The guy next to me was basically sleeping and I felt like joining him