Yeah. I know what ur thinking. What the bear is BTAS?! And why is it episode 4? Well, 2 explain all of it, BTAS means Bear Talking About Stuff. And the title is episode 4 because the last 3 blogs I published weren't exactly blogs. Just um, blogs about me writing about stuff that's in my head. I don't know if u guys like it or don't like it, but it's kind of a hobby now. Dunno why. There's this series called Warriors, about cat-ninjas fighting and hunting for their "clan". I used 2 read them, but I read the whole series so, I have nothing else 2 do in my free time. So I'm just writing stuff on Wix. Hope u guys don't mind :) . Anyway, my free time's over and I have 2 do my homework so see(?) u soon!

I am gonna pretend that I didn't see that P.S (gummies are too hard to resist!)