So as all of you guys know, we took the evaluation test on Wednesday. But to my surprise, it wasn't the hardest test in the world. It wasn’t too easy but it wasn’t too hard either. And I didn't really study for it either. Since it said exactly this:
You cannot study for the evaluation test in one night.
To prepare for future evaluation tests, consider the following:
Read more fiction – target one book per week
Read the news and other periodicals, excellent sources of nonfiction
Build fundamental vocabulary, and aim to get 100% on all vocabulary quizzes
Review Edge unit tests and examine incorrect answers
Practice writing timed 5-paragraph essays
So yeah, I only looked in Ryan’s great writing book at Peai to study the words of what to put in my essay. But the thing that I didn't like the most was how we had to write our essays with no personal pronouns. I had trouble doing this for Wix too. Because last Saturday, it said to practice writing in a formal tone. But the topic for the essay wasn’t at all what i expected. I thought it would be a really hard topic, because after all, it is an EVALUATION test. But it wasn’t that hard. And I wrote, YES. art should be a subject in public elementary schools. And to be honest, I think I had good arguments there. But before we took this, I was really nervous that the test was going to be hard. It turns out it wasn’t. But last time i took this evaluation test, i got a really low score on the writing.( in Mr.Jay’s class) but thank god i got a high participation point, i passed the test. So yeah, that’s the re-telling of how in my point of view, the evaluation test went.
is was soooooooooooooo hard for me