Okay, I'm a big fan of Warriors. FURTHERMORE I am a big fan of Firestar.
Firestar is a former kittypet that came to Thunder clan after an encounter with Graypaw.
<firestars names>
-this is a name while Firestar was a kittypet
-This is firestar's apprentice name.He got the word 'fire' because of his pelt.
-firestar's warrior name
<Firestars family>
half brother: scourge
littermate's son:cloudtail
mate: sandstorm
daughter: leafpool and squirrelflight
daughters mate: crowfeather(leafpool) brambleclaw(squirrelflight)
littermates sons mate: brightheart
littermates sons kit: dovewing and ivypool
leafpools kit: lionblaze, hollyleaf, jayfeather
squirrelflight's kit:alderheart, sparkpelt
lionblazes mate: cinderheart
dovewings mate:bumblestripe, tigerstar the 2nd
dovewings kit: shadow kit, pouncekit, lightkit
ivypools kit and mate: Idon't remember so, it leads to the fact that I am a fish living on land
almost mate: spottedleaf
almost mates grand gran... mother:birdflight
enemy:tigerstar the first
enemys child: tawnypelt, bramble claw(kits of goldenflower) and hawkfrost and mothwing(kits of sasha)
enemys grandchild: alderpaw, sparkpelt, dawnpelt, flametail, tigerstar the 2nd
apprentice:cinderpaw(pelt) bramblepaw(claw) and skyclan
mentor:lionheart, tigerclaw, bluestar
Murderer: scourge, greencough, fox, tigerstar the 1st, tree, rusettfur, fox trap, more
best friend and cousins kits mates father:graystripe
<His looks>

This is his looks in the ultimate guide
<Why I like him>
HE is brave, kind, and many cats respect him.
THEREFORE, I like him.