This is not a memorable event that happened to me RECENTLY, but it did happen. So when I was about 5, I was showering with my mom. And this really funny thing happened……
So we were showering together, cause i didn’t know how to shower by myself then. And then we got in the tub. And then my mom was showering me and then my sister (she was 2 then.) came in and said this;
“Mommy , when are you done showering, you need to shower me too!!!” and then my mom said,
“Soon. just wait. I’m washing your sister right now.”
And then my sister still stayed in the bathroom, but my mom thought that she looked really bored doing nothing in here so she said to wash her face first while she waited. So that’s what she did. But there was something wrong that we didn’t notice about her washing her face. When me and my mom were done showering, we opened the shower curtain and GUESS what we saw my little sister doing. She was washing her face with TOILET WATER. She was only two, and she thought that the toilet was the SINK. and She didn’t wash her face a little bit with it, but A LOT. What is that girl doing??? All we did was tell her to wash her face, and then she washed it in the toilet!!!!!! *gross* It's disgusting.
So yeah, I just remembered that moment and it was really funny so I thought about writing it in my blog post.

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