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Finished part six.


The true evil

By Juan Han

Part one: the king`s great feat

Legend foretold of three relics, the force-inater, a glove known to control the universe, the destroy-inater, a sleigh that had many super gadgets, and the speed-inater, a hat which was said to kill all your enemies. These super weapons were created along with time itself, at the ancient and powerful Christmas tree. This tree is the root of the relics, and myths said that whoever brings it too the Christmas tree and whispers the magic rhyme shall have invincibility:

I have seeked the power of three,

I stand before you, the Christmas tree,

Was I foolish to trust this one,

Or will I yield the Arctic’s sun,

I declare all presents gone,

A painting with no pictures drawn,

All the laughing, fun, and feasts,

Will be all eaten by the beasts,

Christmas is to end,

There will be no presents to send,

O Christmas tree,

Grant me invincibility!

Current status: The world is ruled by Santa, who overthrew king Power III. He yields the relics and is currently fighting rebellions.

Once upon a time, there was a young king named Power IIII. He was very young, only 10 years old! Despite his age, he was very smart and wise. He knew that the world in its current state will not do. A decade ago, Santa Klaus unmasked himself as an evil and powerful villain. He had collected the three relics that granted him invincibility, and he also built himself an army of icemen, snow men made with ice, and armed with unbreakable icicles. But Power had a plan. He first raided the armory, which was very easy, since it was in the middle of the street, guarded by only two polar bears. Using a feeble sword, he barley slayed them. He got into the armory and took an icicle sword and thick snow-mail, a hail shield, and an ice helmet. He disguised himself as a solider and snuck into the palace. There he hid inside a cupboard until night. There he pretended to be on nightshift and found his way into the place Santa hides his relics. He just grabbed the force-inater when a huge alarm went off. Power grabbed the relic and took off. Thousands of soldiers followed, but Power put the glove on and waved a hand. Instantly, hundreds went flying. Power snapped his fingers and vanished into thin air. He teleported to his house and planned to break back in. But when he went to see the castle, he saw that a force field had been put around the palace. He saw that Santa himself, fuming was sitting in his sleigh, the destroy-inater, which was powering the shield. Then, the observant young boy saw that the ground was open. He closed his fist and the ground below him gave way. He tunneled through the ground and right to the palace. But when he reached the relic`s room, he had a nasty surprise. Santa was standing right in front of him, wearing the speed-inater. “I knew you would be here, so I left my sleigh to finish you” he snarled. A beam of energy shot from the center of the hat. Power quickly clapped his hands once and a shield appeared- just in time. Santa was furious! He kept shooting beams, but they were all blocked, deflected, or dodged. Santa closed his eyes and concentrated. Instantly, the world around them moved! The glass twisted and turned, and the bricks wobbled like jelly. The dimension around Power weaved and stitched into a bind and trapped Power. The world around them was pitch-black. “You see this, boy! This is the power of the relics! You cannot control them, but since you are truly irresponsible and annoying, I will prove it! Santa yelled. Power grinned and said, “You`re forgetting one thing. I have a relic as well!”. With that, Power flicked a finger, and the bonds came loose. Then he put his hands on the ground and pressed it hard, and the dimension returned to normal. He punched Santa and quickly took the speed-inater. Then Santa summoned his sleigh. He tried his best to win, but two relics against one was too hard. Santa got hit by a beam of energy and fell of the sleigh and died. Soon the world was returned to normal, and Power became king of the royal bloodline.

Part two: the clashing of the worlds

It was a dark night in the kingdom of death. A single, quiet footstep echoed down the hallway. The sounds stopped right in front of a dark, black door. The door was made of pure black stone, and the handle was made of black diamonds. Two skeleton soldiers guarded the door. “let me in” said the owner of the mysterious footsteps. He was cloaked head to toe. The guards laughed at the request. “no one is allowed passed this door” they said with amusement. “Only the high emperor is to pass this point.” But the stranger waved his hand, and the soldiers melted into dust. He flicked his finger, and the door flew open. He went in and the door closed behind him. He took off his hood and revealed his face. He looked perfectly normal. He had pale skin, green eyes, and dark hair. Only one person had such life in this kingdom, and he was not the emperor…

It was another day in the land of the sky. People went to work, children went to school, grumbling about homework, and the sun was as bright as ever. In the palace of the sky king, things could not have been going better. The sky king`s heir was the age of 15, the age to begin learning about royalty. The heir`s name was Ocean, and he was learning fast. He enjoyed his lessons, and he was very benevolent. But soon, disaster struck. The land of the sky was about to embark on the greatest war of their lives.

“Sir! The room of mystics have been invaded!” a solider yelled. He had seen a black cloak come inside the room. “How? We never saw an army!” The general said. “It was not an army of any sort.” The soldier answered with difficulty. “It was a cloaked figure.” “how can one being destroy the guards?” Asked the general. An eagle landed on his shoulder with a paper in his beak. The general read it. “The emperor grants permission to enter the room.” He announced. Soon, three dozen soldiers barged into the room. They found the person, slowly devouring the rooms energy. He turned around. “Destroyer!” A soldier gasped. Destroyer smiled. The soldiers raised their weapons. Destroyer snapped his fingers. Immediately the soldiers vanished into thin air. Destroyer marched out of the room. He had great plans, and like all great plans, it started with a seed…

In the palace of the sky king, word got out about some troubling news. “Your majesty! I got word that the kingdom of the dead was taken over by…” A general stuttered. “who?” “…Destroyer!” The king went pale. “That is impossible” He said. “He is dead”. “apparently he survived” said a voice that did not belong to the king or general. They turned to the voice. “Destroyer!” the king yelled. “hello, your highness” Destroyer said mockingly. The king stretched out his hand, and two long swords appeared in them. “lets settle this then. I will destroy you!” with that, the king lunged at his old enemy.

“Sir! It is your father!” A general shouted to Ocean. Ocean sprinted down the hall to the throne room. He found his father lying on the ground. Blood dripped from his many wounds. “Hi, Ocean” He rasped. “Father? Father, who did this to you?” Ocean asked in shock. “Destroyer is… back. I am sorry to leave you so fast… It is your duty to lead this people now…” He wheezed with difficulty. The life faded from his eyes, and he rolled on the floor. “Father? Father!!” Ocean wept. After a few moments, the tears faded from his eyes, but they were replaced with flames of fury. He stomped on the floor, and his clothing turned into armor, and in his hands appeared two sharp spears, edged with energy. His hat turned into a helmet, and he picked up a shield. “what are we waiting for? I have a father to avenge!” He yelled.

It was a quiet night in the kingdom of the dead. Destroyer`s castle did not expect attack. I believe that is called an ambush. Late into midnight, thousands of sky soldiers stormed down on the castle and unleashed it`s full power of its magic weapons. In a matter of seconds, the castle had been reduced to rubble. Suddenly, with the power of a thousand earthquakes, the ground shook. Destroyer shot out of the ground. Millions of soldiers swarmed to his side. Ocean`s army was dwarfed compared to Destroyer`s forces. “You killed my father!” Ocean yelled at him. “He was your father? I guess swine give birth to swine, then!” He roared back. “If you think we are swine, then you must be chickens! Attack!” Ocean shouted. His army attacked the army below. He did not waste any time and went right to Destroyer. They met together, miles above the ground, in a heated duel. Destroyer snapped his fingers, and lava erupted from his fingers. Ocean summoned the sea to help, and it blocked the attack. After many attacks, Ocean became more bruised, ‘oh father, please help me’ He begged in his mind. Suddenly, Ocean`s eyes began to glow bright blue, his spear tips began to shake, and a powerful beam of light erupted from his hands. He fired them at Destroyer, and he blew up into hundreds of pieces. He redirected them into the opposing army, destroying them as well.

Back in the Land of the sky, he attended his father`s funeral. As he sat in front of the grave, he thought ‘thank you for your help’ He became a great king, and soon gained popularity. The kingdom was never more prosperous. He attended every funeral of the soldiers who lost their lives in the war. “I would not have won without him” He said to their weeping families. “Let this be the dawning of a new era! Let this be forever known as the age of life!” And with that, the kingdom of the sky lived happily ever after.

part three: adventures of four

It was just another day in the planet of Wat. The day was typical. The night was normal. No one suspected a thing until they heard a scream on the outpost. A few guards rushed outside, there weapons ready. They saw a young man floating on top of the fort. His eyes were shining white with energy, his skin was glowing faintly and from his feet emitted a beam of red light that kept him afloat. He clutched the throat of a guard. The others cowered in fear. He had a history with this land, and I`m afraid it is not a good one…

“You must draw the power from within!” quoted Sam Vine. He was a tall, young boy, about the age of 13. He had a strange power, the power to control all of nature. After some mild accidents like hurricanes and supercells, he was ushered away to a strange academy. It was called Eagle Eye, for all he could make out. There he met others with powerful abilities such as his own. He made fast friends with two boys his age, Joe Whip, and Houston Blue. Joe had the power of controlling things with his mind, including other minds. Houston had the power to replicate and teleport. “Sam, could you please stop quoting the professors and do the homework they gave us about Plato and Newton?” Joe asked. For him to keep his power sharp, he had to have a strong mentality, and since Joe had a thirst for knowledge, it was not hard to keep up. “No offence, dude, but that was for extra credit. I think you are a little nerdy about all this” Houston said. He was the sports elective, and he needed to keep his body strong and flexible to arrange and disarrange at high speed. Suddenly the ground began shaking. Then the roof ripped off! “Joe, is that you?” Judging from the horrified look on his face, he had nothing to do with it.

Soon, a strange figure descended from the hole. “Husama!” They collectively gasped. They were taught of the evils of this ex-student many times. His skin began to glow more and more, and a ball of energy appeared in his hand. Before he could jet it at the witnesses, Houston jumped at his two friends, and they disappeared into thin air. The trio reappeared on the dining room. “How on Wat did Husama come here?” Gasped Sam. Using his power, Joe floated up the chimney of the room. He was so shocked by what he saw that he gasped half fell the way back. “Another 3 square miles is destroyed” he reported. “Then I guess this is our new home.” Sam said sadly. He snapped his fingers and vines grew out of the ground to make three beds.

After what seemed like weeks in the room, they ran out of food, water, and supplies. Sam made fruit trees and pools appear, but they desperately needed some walls to shield themselves. They looked around the academy, and found John Bell, a boy the age of 10, hiding on an old grandfather clock. He could shapeshift into anything he saw, and his voice changed with the transformation.

“We have to fight Husama.” He said. “Are you crazy? He is the strongest being ever to destroy the planet!” Joe protested. “John has a point, though. I mean, we outnumber him, and we are going to die anyway if we don`t fight him.” Houston said. “Fine. But if we die, I blame it on you” Joe said. “Sam, can you find where Husama is?” “Sure.” Sam replied. His eyes began to glow. He entered the mind of a snake. He snaked through the wasteland and saw Husama on top of the watchtower. “He`s at the north outpost.” He said. Houston teleported them to the watch tower. “HEY HUSAMA!” yelled John. When Husama looked out he was wildly amused. “Well, well, well. I guess I didn’t kill you like I thought I did” He snorted. He lunged at them with fire in both hands. Joe raised a hand, and he froze in midair. “Hurry!” he grunted. “I can`t keep this up for long!” Sam clapped his hands once. A cluster of sharp thornbushes rose and trapped the evil being. He clapped again and a tornado rose and trapped Husama in the tight eye of the storm. Houston and John put their powers together. Houston made hundreds of himself while John transformed them into Joe and Sam, reinforcing their binds. It was good that they did because Sam and Joe where wiped out. They sank to their knees and passed out. However, Husama was not ready for this to be over. He let out a booming growl and the binds blasted open. John transformed into a magical sword, and Houston lunged. Houston tried his best, but Husama was far stronger. Then he felt a strong wave of energy behind him. Joe and Sam had woken up, and they were stronger than ever. Joe pushed through the air, and stuck Husama to the ground. Sam froze the air around him and froze Husama forever. “When I woke up, I felt a little tingly. I think all the energy produced by you and Husama helped us.” Sam said. Now, these four were unstoppable. No matter what came, they will be ready for it. They named themselves, the Ferocious Four.

It was a still, quiet night. Sam Vine was keeping watch on Huge canyon. Suddenly, a huge gush of lava erupted from nowhere and filled the canyon. Sam dived behind a tree and watched in horror. He saw a sleigh made from cooled lava pulled by two huge, ferocious dragons. Perched on the sleigh was a man. He held a long pole with the shape of a dragon head on top of it. From it, huge blasts of pure energy appeared, blasting stones out of the way. “What in the world…” Sam muttered. He ran back to the base, where his friends were waiting.

“Hmm… let’s see… oh yes I found it. Joe Whip said as he flipped through a huge book. “Ahh. I know him too well.” Joe announced. “who is it?” asked Houston Blue. “His name is unknown, but he is called Emperor Dragon. Said to be able to control dragons, and can conjure powerful force fields and force spears…” “Force spears?” John Bell asked with sarcasm in his voice. “Yep. Said to be made of pure anergy and can cut anything” Joe read. John gulped. “Anyway, he has the biggest army in the universe, made from 9000 dragons and two million tough soldiers, and he only visits a place he wants to conquer. We need to get ready.” “How? We don`t have any army.” Houston said. “We need to recruit some soldiers.” Sam said. “This is going to be hard.”

“Okay, I got eyes on Pota. It`s army is made from half a million men and 30 monster sharks. The leader`s name is Nun.” Sam listed. “Let`s go.” Houston teleported himself, Joe, Sam, and John to the planet Pota. They appeared right in front of the throne room. “Who are you?” Nun asked, startled. His soldiers pointed their nuclear guns at the four. Sam fell to the ground. “great king, we have come to ask of your assistance of your army.” Nun laughed. “Why would I have to give you my army? After all, it is my army.” Then John explained the crisis. “Your highness, if you assist us in the war, we will give you our planet. We and you, and all the others who would help us shall form a government and rule over the vast empire of many planets” Nun stroked his beard. An empire sounded intriguing, but this was risky. “All right.” He said. “I will assist you in all things. However, you must first convince every other planet you need to win for us to help.”

However, the thing that happened there happened in every planet. They now had an army of three million soldiers with 30 monster sharks, and 6oo super zombies. However, while they were out recruiting the soldiers, Dragon had already struck. He had taken over the planet and was now enjoying life. But when he saw the army gathered in front of the castle, Dragon roared with fury. “Those are the fools who took down Husama, my apprentice!” He summoned his army, and the war began. However, the odds were not going in the Ferocious Four`s favor. The dragons tore through the zombies like they were dolls. The shark`s water was burned up by Dragon’s energy blast, which killed hundreds of soldiers every time. But soon, the 2 million men army was crushed by the 3 million men. However, every soldier in the four`s army was killed or retreated. 8000 dragons surrounded them. They had no way to escape. Sam snapped his fingers and huge tornados wiped through the dragons. Joe waved his hand, and they went flying. Houston replicated again and again and attacked the dragons. John turned into a huge king size dragon and destroyed the rest. Now they only had the Emperor Dragon himself to worry about. He blasted them with force spears and blocked their attacks with force fields. He seemed invincible until Joe saw that he could only make a force field covering half of his body. He told his friends the weakness through telepathy. He and John went to the back of Dragon and the four attacked from all sides. Dragon struggled to block this until he got hit by an energy ball and was knocked down. He grabbed for his weapon, but it was too late. Sam grabbed the pole and blasted him to smithereens.

The four friends ventured through the five planets they got help from and scraped together 4 million soldiers from all of them. Luckily, the leaders were unharmed. They made their government just as promised and ruled with peace.

Sam was going through Dragon’s palace to find anything that could help build a strong army when he saw a note peeking out of the sleigh. It read,

Dear my brother Dragon. How are you? I hope that our first assault would go nicely. I am writing to let you know that our middle army is ready. 5 million dragons and 40 billion soldiers will be there by next week. Sincerely, White Wolf.

Sam gasped in horror and dropped the note. Apparently, their trouble was far from over…

“So, let me get this straight. We need to defeat an army that is 1000 times bigger than us, but we need to handle a huge flock of dragons?!” Joe asked, horrified. “Yep.” Sam said. John did not say anything until… “I have an idea.” “What?” Joe asked. “how?” “We need to sabotage the army. There is one common poison that humans and dragons share. The venom of the blue ringed octopus. I`m guessing that Sam can catch a few. And I can turn invisible. And Houston can teleport me to the camp.” John said. “Great idea! You’re a genius!” Joe said. “Let`s do it!” Houston said.

That night, two figures appeared in the food supply room. “Are you sure your up for this?” Houston asked. “Yep.” John said, trembling a bit. Houston teleported back and John turned invisible. He got out a small vial full of venom. He opened the first box of food. “Yuck. Octopus soup. You couldn`t pay me to eat that.” He said to himself. He was allergic to seafood, and he did not care much for octopus except for the venom that came out of the blue ringed one. He held in a sneeze as he poured a few drops of it into the barrel. He did the same for all the barrels. He only had one left to go… but he accidently tipped a barrel over. The sound was heard from the camp next to the food. Immediately, a dozen soldiers rushed into the room. John had no choice but to fight. Since he was invisible, the soldiers had no way of spotting him. One by one, the men fell to the ground, stabbed by John`s knife. But from all the commotion, a piece of octopus was thrown into the air. John accidently swallowed it whole, and fell to the ground, coughing. A piece of octopus had done what a dozen armed soldiers could not. Since he was nearly suffocating from the allergy, his power went out of control. The last guard raised his revolver, preparing to strike. Before he could, Houston appeared in midair and jumped on top of the solider. John was gasping for air. “Houston, we have liftoff!” Houston yelled. They reappeared on their base. Sam grew a few herbs and helped John breath. Joe moved the octopus from John using telekinesis.

“Guys! Did you hear? Wolf`s army is reduced by 10% of its original state! The dragons all died of stomachache, and the soldiers died slowly losing consciousness!” Joe excitedly shouted. “We can win!”

“Not yet. The army still outnumbers us ten to one. We have to plan accordingly to even survive.” Sam reminded him. “That I did. Most of the army would be passing through Ice Island. That is where they think we are, because we always look that way before we run. But Ice Island`s climate is so cold, that they would freeze the moment they step foot there. You should know, Sam, since you’re the one who enchanted it to be as cold as -500 degrees Celsius.” Joe answered. “We just got to meet the soldiers on Jurassic Jungle.”

True to his word, when they finally met Wolf`s army on Jurassic Jungle, they saw that they were not outnumbered. White Wolf himself was the spitting image of his brother, Emperor Dragon, but was dressed differently. He held long, cylinder pole made of diamond, and it`s edge was capped with sharp dry ice that never melted. He was riding a wolf, which was six times its regular size, and had armor made from pure ice. “You brats killed my brother! I will make you pay for this!” He roared. “Bill us” Sam answered, and the war began. Sam got head-to-head with Wolf in a heated battle. Sam stomped his feet, and thick vines rose and trapped the wolf that he was riding on. The wolf whimpered as the vines choked and strangled him. Wolf was furious! Not only did Sam kill this brother, his brother`s apprentice, but he killed his pet as well! He raised his pole and a bright beam of light blasted from it. Sam blocked it with lava flowing through his sleeve, but he slowly was overpowered by the warrior mastermind. Thankfully, right before the beam hit Sam, Joe and Houston stepped in. Houston replicated over and over, and he and his replicates stabbed at Wolf with their swords. Joe rose above the ground and trapped Wolf in midair. He ripped of Wolf`s armor and Houston stabbed him. Even though their master had been slain, Wolf`s army wreaked havoc onto the opposing army. Sam created a huge sandstorm to block the army, while Houston replicated into a mini-army, and Joe threw soldiers out of the way. Sam whistled, and hail the size of cows rained down on the rest of the army. Soon, the army was reduced to nothing.

After days of cleaning up the mess Dragon and Wolf made, the planet was as clean as ever. John finally recovered from his incident, and Sam searched the battleground to see if there was any warning still left. However, he was looking in the wrong direction. Miles away, on an island called Ice Island, a huge army resided. The severe cold did not kill them, as Joe predicted, but was stripped of every feeling of humanity, and was planning to take their icy wrath on this planet. They were as tough as yetis, keen as a wolf, and as strong as a dragon. The cold had changed them into monsters.

It was a cold, dusty evening. Sam Vine was collecting icicles to make an ice fort. He was in Ice Island, and the only reason he was there was because he was the only one who could survive the cold. He picked a few from the ground, another few from the cave ceiling, when he heard a roar from his right. He knew nothing lived in Ice Island, so who could that be? He followed the sound. He ducked behind a frozen rock and peered out. He saw two figures, both huge and muscular, looming over the stone. They had sharp claws, glinting eyes, and a thirst for blood. “Come on now, we need to tell Master that our army is ready!” one growled. “They won`t know what hit them. But then again, we are nine times bigger than them. And our mutation would make us invincible!” another boomed. ‘Oh, no’ Sam said to himself. The two beings snapped their heads in Sam`s direction. They had impeccable hearing. One pointed at the stone he was behind, and a purple beam erupted from his fingertips. The stone dissolved into dust. “Say, aren’t you the one who killed our king?” He said. Sam tried to run away, but they blasted him square in the stomach. Sam fell to the floor. His head was spinning. He slowly faded into unconsciousness. But as he fell, a new army rose.

“Ha! I bet you can`t beat that!” Houston said. He and Joe were having a snowball fight, John as referee. Houston had replicated into 40 Houstons and they all threw a snowball at Joe. Joe smiled and raised a hand. “Oh, but I can!” he teased. The snowballs froze in midair. Then they shot right back to their owners! Houston turned back into one, and he dove behind his fort. The snowballs left huge craters on the fort, and it was destroyed. Joe then raised his hand high and dropped it. Suddenly, all the snow got together to form a huge ball, nearly 6m wide. The ball shot at Houston, who teleported away from the avalanche. But he was soon pelted by snowballs thrown by hand. Joe laughed has he threw small balls of snow at Houston. “Joe wins!” John announced. “But I wonder where Sam is…” Joe said. “Yeah, I thought he would be back in the first few hours of the game.” Houston agreed.

Meanwhile, as his friends were enjoying games of snow and ice, Sam sat in a cell of stone and metal. He had been chained together with thick ropes. “I need to get out! With only mice as company… it`s not like I can get the mice to chew away my binds…” Then, Sam realized he could. He entered the mind of the mice and made them chew the rope. After a few minutes, he was free. While their prisoner cut his rope, the guards were playing pat-a-cake. Suddenly, A huge storm started to blow, and the entire cell began to sway. The roof ripped off and flew away Sam flew out of the roof and landed on the ground. He twirled his fingers and an enormous supercell erupted from nowhere and wreaked havoc on the land. He caused a small tunnel to form and jumped in.

Houston was just about to suggest going out looking for him when a hole appeared right in front of him. Sam popped out of the hole and landed on him. “Hi Sam! We were worried about you” He grunted under him. Sam jumped up and said “I need to tell you guys something! There is a huge army nine times bigger than us and it`s headed this way! Plus, those soldiers are practically invincible!” Houston and John exchanged worried looks. “Sam, please tell me you`re overreacting or it`s a joke.” John said. “I`m not- I saw it myself!” “Then enough with the sharing bad news. We need to set out a plan” Joe said. “We could lure them into Catastrophe Cove. I mean, then we can leave it to the Water Creature to handle the beasts.” Joe said. “Good idea. We should do that.” Sam agreed.

The huge army arrived to see four people standing next to each other. The soldiers laughed. Four people were a piece of cake. Houston ran off, his friends following. The army followed them. When they reached a beach, a huge creature shot up from the water. It roared and blasted freezing cold water at them. However, these soldiers were immune to the cold. The huge beast bent down and swallowed a few soldiers. However, when he bent, he was lassoed by thick huge titanium chains. He hit the ground, hard. The remaining soldiers charged at the monster with weapons raised. The monster roared as he was stabbed repeatedly. However, the head they killed was the one of three huge, furious heads. The remaining brains growled and emerged from the water. It was nearly as wide as the whole army! The monster kicked and bit. But the defensive army was not going to give up. They lassoed and stabbed the rest of the heads and turned to face the four again. They still had 50 million soldiers left. Suddenly, an arrow appeared out of the trees ahead and stabbed a solider in the heart. Creeping out of the thick brush was thousands and thousands of crossbows. They shot and reloaded themselves at high speed. The soldiers roared in agony every time the arrows hit. Joe was controlling them all. From the waves to their left, a tsunami formed and rushed towards them. However, all the water pressure was targeted at the army. Then Sam made yet another attack. The remaining soldiers were only the tough ones. They used purple energy to blast the arrows coming at them and to stop the water from crushing them. Then, a giant mole monster appeared from the ground and swallowed the soldiers. John had turned into a Mole Dragon, the legendary king of all monsters. Houston replicated repeatedly until he surrounded the whole army. He teleported everywhere, making it impossible to find him. He started to pick them of one by one until there was only one left. The general, Taterick Furvine. Taterick was eight feet tall, incredibly powerful, and outnumbered. John turned back into a human and Houston returned to one person. Joe pushed Taterick to the ground and Sam put a sphere of water around his head. Taterick suffocated, unable to breathe the water. The planet was truly saved.

It was a dark eerie evening in Jurassic Jungle. Then, and huge ferocious roar broke the silence. The call had begun. A huge flock of eagles the size of elephants flew to the call. They exhaled fiery bursts as they went, signaling others to follow. A stampede of bulls three times their regular size stomped through the grass. They had a metal hide and titanium horns. Spikes covering their bodies gleamed as they ran. A pack of wolves the size of tigers emerged from the brush. They had wings bigger than a parachute. Their black pelts rippled as they howled into the night and ran to the call. A group of sabretooth tigers showed themselves. Their teeth dripped with venom stronger than any other creature. Huge, man-eating scorpions tunneled through the ground. They had their claws ready. They gathered around a huge hole. From it erupted a huge snake-like creature. It`s sharp green scales shown in the fading sunlight. From its head grew two long horns. It`s tail was spiked with thorns bigger and stronger than a battleship. It was the legendary Mole Dragon, the real one. It was bigger and more powerful than anyone could ever imagined. His name was Ares. “Welcome, fellow friends. I have called you here to discuss the fate of our kind.” He rasped. Murmuring broke through the huge crowd of billions and billions of creatures. “We need more freedom!” Maulldeath, the leader of the wolves growled. “Humans have used us, controlled us, and destroyed us without any payment to us!” Hurricane, the alpha of the eagles said angrily. “I agree. We are being treated like animals, when the truth is, we`re as smart, if not smarter than them!” Megahorn, the king of the bulls agreed. “Since we seem like we are all agreeing, we need to come up with a solution!” Sabermaster, the king of the sabretooths suggested. “How can we fight?” Poisenfang, the leader of the scorpions asked. The five leaders turned to Ares. “I say that we attack the humans in an open rebellion. We out number, out smart, and therefore out match the humans.” Hurricane stepped forward and bowed to the king of all monsters. “But your majesty, how about the four humans with the powers? They are invincible!” “I will take care of them. All four are so powerful they don`t even recognize it. Now lets prepare for war!” The army below him cheered. The king of all monsters was planning on becoming the king of the world.

Joe, John, Sam all stared at the Haunted House like it was a giant piece of fear-instilling object. Houston, on the other hand, was exited that they could finally get to go to their theme park. Because they were busy fighting wars and fighting battles, they didn`t have a moment to entertain themselves. “Let’s go in!” He said energetically. “Maybe we could check out the other places first.” Joe said. But Houston had already went in. Sam sighed and followed. John slapped his forehead and followed. Joe was the last and the most hesitating one of the group. After 10 seconds, Joe had enough of this place. He became so anxious, that he accidently ripped the house from the ground and broke it into pieces. “Oops” He said. Sam groaned. “If there was one thing that was good about this situation is that we are finally out of there.” “I`m so bored." John said. He was the youngest and the most vigorous of them all. Unfortunately, entertainment was about to come from all corners, and it was not the kind John was looking for…

“Hey Sam! Did you hear? Our north defense wall was eliminated by a stampede of bulls, our south was ripped apart by wolves, and our west to eagles, and our east to scorpions. Plus, sabretooth tigers are attacking from the forests!” Joe said. Sam immediately stood up. “Sounds like their preparing for a battle. And just when I thought those days were behind us.” Joe took out a map. “I think that they would first attack here and try to go here.” He said as he drew lines. “So, we should cut them off half-way.” Sam said. “Good idea.”

As they expected, the armies regrouped and fought their way to Croaker`s Creek. Then they tried to go to the main fort, but they ran into the human`s army along the way. The two sides fought bravely, but as Ares expected, the humans were out matched. The army slowly began to disappear, until only a few dozen was left. However, the game wasn`t over yet. Sam made huge tornados and lighting to strike the eagles. Joe raised all the bulls into the air higher than an airplane and dropped them with fury. The wolves were each surrounded by dozens of Houston that kept teleporting around and around until he stabbed them with a sword. John transformed into a more evolved creature than his opponent and destroyed them. The scorpions started to die from the earthquakes Sam was sending them. One by one, the creatures started to die off until there was nothing. No humans, no monsters. Just the four people that the world was centered upon. In just a few hours, two huge armies had been massacred. However, another attack, this one stronger than any other army combined were coming this way. Suddenly, the ground in front of the four imploded. Dust flew everywhere. When it all cleared, the four saw a huge creature in front of them. It was the Mole Dragon, king of all monsters. The war was just beginning. “Don`t worry. We can do it.” John said. With that, he transformed into a huge Mole Dragon, nearly as strong as the real one itself. The two beasts roared at each other and started to fight with their horns. As they did, they spat fire and acid at each other two. Sam grew vines that became so strong that they confined Ares for a moment. But only a moment. He broke the binds and spat flaming acid right in John`s face. John choked. As he tried rubbing the acid out, Ares caught him with his horns and flipped him over. He got ready for the fatal stab. But as he did. Joe desperately tried to stop him. More vines grew out to confine him. Joe`s eyes began glowing. Sam`s skin began to shine. The vines grew faster than ever. Houston charged into the vine and managed to hang onto Are`s back. Ares swung his tail and knocked Sam and Joe unconscious. Then he broke the vines off and proceeded to his kill. But Houston stabbed him with his sword. It might as well be a tiny spike, but Houstons body began tingling with energy as he teleported his sword deeper and deeper into Are`s body. Ares howled in pain. Just then, John stood up and bit the evil beast on the neck. Ares died of many wounds, but the world was saved from suffering the same fate.

Part four: The meeting

“We need a new army” Sam said. “This is not our first war, and it is certainly not our last.” These four people had been searching for soldiers around the universe, and they were tired. However, John came back with some good news. “I was searching the Mole Dragon`s hole, when I found this weird parchment.” The parchment read,

The northeast border, you shall find a boulder. Smash it in half and you will find all the help you need.

“This is great! Nice work, John!” Sam said excitedly. “All we need to do is find the boulder and destroy it!” They found the boulder, a huge, sturdy, gray rock. Joe ripped it with his power and between the crack, light began emitting from it.

Power was having the time of his life. He zoomed across the land on his sleigh, looking for people to help. He was just flying into his palace to call it a day, a bright light enclosed on him and he was swiped from the dimension. The landed in a grassy hill on top of a boulder that had a huge crack on it. He got to his feet and put his hat, gloves, and asked, “Who are you?” The four people in front of them said happily, “Nice to meet you! Why don`t you come for a cup of hot chocolate here?”

After a few hours of explaining, Power finally got what all this meant. “But I can`t just help you. I got a kingdom to run.” He said. “Just stay with us for the time being. We have to figure out what kind of force got you here.” Suddenly, another bright beam of light erupted from the boulder they were sitting on. Power was not the only one Sam, Joe, John, and Houston would need.

Ocean was zooming down the sea. He was looking for the sunken ship which had no passengers but a truckload of gold. He had finally saw the mast of the ship when he was flung from the ocean and landed in some rock. He held out his hand and his trademark spears appeared in his hand. “Who are you?” He asked cautiously. Just like they had with Power, the four explained the chaos, only it took longer because Power also asked questions, he had missed during the first explanation. Suddenly, the boulder was blasted open on both sides, and a tall, menacing figure emerged from the dust. He had shining silver armor, and his fists were capped with metal. He had pale, blue eyes. “Welcome, my fellow subjects! Now bow down before my presence.” He roared. “No way. Who are you?” Ocean asked. “I am the emperor of the Demolished Empire. I have the most powerful army in the world at my disposal. Husama, Destroyer, Santa Claus, Dragon, and Wolf were all my subjects! I encouraged the Monster rebellion! I am Jacob the Great! Now bow down or die!” Power, Ocean, Sam, Joe, Houston, and John were appalled. Who was this stranger to order them to bow down? “Never!” Power spoke on their behalf. “Very well. Destroy them!” Suddenly, a bright flash appeared. Trillions of soldiers and millions of monsters poured down from the sky. They wreaked havoc on the ground below, blasting buildings and ripping trees. “Over here!” Houston yelled. An army of about a hundred soldiers followed the sound. They lunged at him but was sucked up by a huge portal that Houston had set around him. Joe caused two monsters to hit each other with psychic powers-he had finally figured out how to channel it. Sam closed his eyes and concentrated. Huge, vines thicker than 10 feet wide erupted from the ground and lashed around, pulling, and whipping all it contacted. John turned himself into a huge black-hole and sucked up the monsters around him. Ocean summoned the sea`s energy to blast from his spears and demolished the soldiers. Power closed his fist and concentrated his mind, causing huge tremors of energy to sprout up and knock all the soldiers to the ground. However, the army seemed endless. “Retreat!” Power yelled. “We should go to my place!” He snapped his fingers and transported them into the middle of his palace. “We have an army here. We need to recruit as much soldiers as possible to win.” Even after adding Ocean`s army, they were still outnumbered roughly hundred thousand to one. And soon, Jacob found out where they were. With another huge flash, he and his soldiers lunged at Powers palace. Power put a force field around it, and it burned whoever touched it. Jacob simply laughed. He punched the wall with so much force the palace rattled in front of him. Soon, the shield cracked, and the army advanced forward, leaving destruction in its wake. The army met in a fierce battle. Even though the army of Jacob was huge, they had a disadvantage. Only a dozen at a time could fit through the small opening in the shield. Every time that dozen struggled through, it was either met by Ocean`s energy blast, Sam`s vines, Joe’s strike, Houston or Johns black holes, or Power`s beam of energy. But soon, the entire shield ripped open, revealing trillions of more soldiers. But still, Power and Ocean`s soldiers were much more skilled at fighting than the other. Power and the four lunged at Jacob. Avoiding fatal punches, they blasted and tore Jacob whenever they found an opening. Jacob was soon hit by a final, fatal blast. He sank to his knees and died. However, oblivious to their fallen emperor, the army was as dangerous as ever. He had once said, “If I die in war, do not tell the army about it, for that would warrant a surrender.” So, a general who saw that his king was dead, he hid the body and continued fighting. Eventually, the defense army were forced to seek refuge. They hid in Ocean`s place next.

“So, we killed the king, so they would probably fight wildly, and foolishly. All we need to do is lure them into a giant pit or something and push. Which probably means we should go there, with the storm.” Sam and Power leaned forward to read it`s description and exchanged fearful looks.

The two armies met right in the middle of the sea, on the sky, which was covered in thick glass. Below rushed huge tidal waves and giant sea snakes. Suddenly, Power smashed the glass with both hands. The floor below them gave way, and the armies fell. Both armies fell. Sam nodded at Joe. He held their army up with all his strength, and Power joined them. Then Houston created a huge portal to land and the army was saved.

Part five: slave traders, and their leaders

After the war, the planet of Wat got a period of peace and prosperity. The empire of the sun had now stretched over three huge dimensions. They had many crops to feed the hungry soldiers, and enough supplies for the empire to eat for a century without having to farm. And because they did, the food supply had grown. If only if history could continue like this...

Joe was going to a playdate with his friend, Ocean. Even though they had fought wars and had superpowers, they were still soon-to-be-teenagers. “Hello?” Joe said as he entered the room. “Come in” said Ocean from his house. As Joe opened the door, he found Ocean in his chair of coral in front of him. He was smirking silently. “What`s so funny?” Joe asked. He looked down and saw a small red dot glowing on his chest. “What is-” He never got to finish his sentence. An enormous white tiger jumped on him. The dot was a laser, and the tiger was the cat. The tiger opened his mouth, exposing teeth like razors. Joe also saw something else. He closed his eyes, fearing the worst. He felt a huge tsunami of saliva as the tiger licked him repeatedly. Ocean had required a pet tiger, and Joe was getting a handful about it. “HEY! WHAT ON EARTH IS WRONG WITH YOU? I LITERALLY JUST WASHED MY CLOTHES!” Joe yelled at him once he brushed the huge feline off him. Ocean was beside himself with laughter, he could barely breathe, much less talk. “Sorry, it was the best prank I could come up with. You should have seen the look on your face. Oh yeah, I can.” He waved a hand and the water around him began to form a face- a face that looked like a clown jumped on him. Joe was fuming. He smacked his fist and the figure dissolved. But once he got over it, they had the time of their lives. They did not have this much fun since they were toddlers. Ocean and Joe tried to over-power the other to gain control of the water fort. They played tug-a-war with Telepathy (tiger`s name) but lost every time (no powers allowed). When it was time to go home, they each exchanged a tree from each of their gardens. But beyond their sight, there were two soldiers. As Joe walked past them, they shot a powerful tranquilizer at Joe. Joe noticed a sting as it hit and saw a needle poking out of his side. He was suddenly filled with drowsiness. He tried to fight it, but the anesthesia was too strong. He collapsed a few feet from the duo. The mysterious soldiers picked Joe up and took off.

“It`s been hours since we saw him.” Sam said, pacing. “Are you sure he left you at the house?” “I am. He left and was supposed to go right here.” Ocean replied. “Then I think that he went missing around here.” Power said. “Then let`s investigate.”

“Nothing… We have nothing” Houston said in disbelief. “No, let me try.” Sam said. He concentrated. He started to see glimpses of the past, the memory of this very soil. He saw the soldiers… Joe collapsed… They went east… they went east! “East” Sam said. “Somewhere in the jungle.” “I`ll get you there in a sec.” With that, he transported them to directly where Sam envisioned. They cautiously trekked through the jungle. Suddenly, they heard a rustle in the in the bushes left to them. Out came a figure. It tackled John, who was right in front of him, to the ground. John transformed into a huge balloon and threw the figure off him. On closer look, the travelers could see that the ambusher was no more than a small boy about only nine years old. He looked more afraid of them than they were of him. Still, they approached with utmost caution. “Hello?” John said. “Are you here to take me too?” the boy asked. The five were confused. “We had never and would never kidnap. But we have a friend who is. Can you help us find him?” Houston reassured. After a few minutes of persuading, they convinced him that they were friends. The boy`s name was James; he had been in first grade in Eagle Eye. He had the ability to create fire, electricity, water, or any other element like that. When Husama struck, he had fled to the jungles and have been there ever since. “That must have been tough.” John sympathized. “So, are you going to help us? If so, then we can let you stay and live with us as one of us.” “All right.” James agreed. The others exchanged looks of achievement.

Joe woke up in the dark, dusty cell. He was bound head to toe, but he could still smell the disgusting smell. “Hey, look who`s finally awake” said a voice above him. On further inspection, he could see he was horizontal. “Who are you?” Joe asked. “We are the soldiers of slave traders. A slave who can do many things at once are very pricy. That is, if we can control him.” Joe was shocked. He tried all his might to break the chains, and with the help of telekinesis, the chains began to break. The guards tried to tranquilize him again, but the bullets froze in midair. He ripped the chains open and glided out of the cell. He dodged the shots as he glided through the air. After hours of flying, he saw six figures below him. “Hey guys!” Joe yelled as he flew down to meet them. They embraced, explained, and they finally figured out the point of all this.

Back in the slave traders place, a general named Scabbard was getting ready to meet the head of the group, a man by the name of Perio the Smart. He was known for being wise and shrewd. He was feared by all who knew him. Scabbard opened the door and went in. He bowed deeply. Then, he looked around. All around him he saw skulls of killed slaves. He saw a stone table which held a single match. “Even the tiniest flame can devour a land. And the weakest slave can earn us a fortune.” Said a voice. Emerging from the cloak behind him was Perio the second. He was tall, menacing, and he had a slight touch of laughter in his voice. So far, so intimidating. “I want you to meet the approaching threat. The boy who escaped will bring friends. I want to capture them. And I have a plan…”

Just as Perio predicted, Joe convinced the others to follow him in a battle. But when he reached the place, he saw the place deserted. Even walking for hours in their territory, they found nothing. “I think they all left.” Said Power. “We should come next time.” Just as they turned around, they heard “Fire! “and felt a huge, heavy net fall on them, before they knew what was happening, they were tied up so tightly that they couldn`t even use their powers. Perio laughed viciously. He raised a sword at Joe and said, “We have been expecting you” Then, he saw something that made him stop in his tracks. James was standing on the highest edge and said, “We have been expecting this, too!”, Joe had James go a different route, so they might be saved if they were losing. Scabbard smiled and said. “and take him down, too. But suddenly, James cocked his head upward and yelled, “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis!” Almost instantaneously, Telepathy arrived with a huge pack of huge tigers with him. The hundreds of monstrous creatures freed them and destroyed the slave traders. But Perio got away, and there is no telling he would show up next…

Power, Ocean, Sam, Joe, James, John, and Houston stared up at Delicacy Shop like it was made of pure diamond.

It had been a full month since the last encounter with Perio, but the seven had not even caught a trace of him. They had not eaten since they had picked wild raspberries to eat, and they were starving. So, naturally, when they came across the restaurant, they went in. The entire place smelled like fried burgers, melting cheese, and strawberry ice cream. They plopped down on table 7, and ordered seven double cheeseburgers, five milkshakes, and two cokes. “Geez, I felt like I didn`t eat for a week!” Power said hungrily. “That`s because we didn`t eat for a week.” Sam answered. However, Delicacy Shop was not as merry in the inside, as it seemed on the outside…

When they were finally served, they looked down at all the food they had. “To finding Perio!” They said and clinked their drinks together. But when they took their first sip, they could tell something was off. The liquid tasted warm, even with the ice and the cold water. The drinks were drugged. One by one, the seven began to nod off to sleep. Sam was the last one. The last thing he saw were two huge, menacing figures walking toward them…

James was having the weirdest dream. He was back in Eagle Eye, in the room of the four coverings. This room was ideal to hide and play games as the teachers teach boring history. There he saw a huge metal tent in the middle, a huge, buff man emerged from the shadows. He gently knocked the tent. “May I come in, sir?” He asked. “Come in” said a voice from the tent. His voice cut deeper than a knife. It was like hearing a screech from a raven, a roar from a lion, and the wise clicking of a dolphin, packed into one, intimidating voice. The man entered the tent. James followed. He saw a tall man, Perio, no doubt, perched on a huge beast. It was a dragon. Not just any dragon. A… “Firewing” said the man in awe. James felt his heart drop to the pit of his stomach. He had learned about it in nature class. Firewing: a rare type of dragon that is said to be nearly invincible. Tough, scaly armor covers all of it`s body, spews lava hot acid, has three tails. The tails on the outer edges spews highly flammable gas, while the middle ignites it. It`s wings can catch on fire, hence the name, ‘Firewing’ If it flaps it`s wing while it is on fire, then it can create a fire tornado. Extremely smart. Extremely dangerous. Typical. “I hatched this dragon and have bred it myself.” Said Perio. “Soon, our army would pour out to meet the army of the seven, and I shall lead the assault myself.” The last thing that James heard was the evil laughter of Perio.

James woke with a start. Lying beside him were his friends, starting to wake up as well. When they finally did, he told them about his dream. Power and Ocean exchanged worried looks. “Then we need to get out of here ASAP.” Said John. They ran north, where their base should be. However, they were stopped by a thick blue wall of energy. Then, they heard a crackle above. “Hello, gentlemen. I am here to explain what power imprisonment is.” Said the voice of Perio. “These walls you face are made of pure energy. If you try to cross these, they will burn you until you are a pile of ash. These walls cannot be broken, teleported through, and the wall`s atoms are so close together that before you become the size to pass through it, you would disappear from reality.” He said. “Enjoy your time being in a super strong lightbulb.”

Defeated, Houston sat down. “This is impossible.” He said. Then, like a bursting lightbulb, he had an idea. “Wait” He said. “Perio said that this shield is a huge lightbulb. But what happens if the lightbulb overpowers? It bursts. I think that with all of our powers, we can burst this shield.” The rest were shocked. How can such an easy idea escape them? “That is an amazing idea” Said Power. One by one, they joined their hands together. From the middle, a huge beam of light erupted and struck the ceiling of the domed shield. Then, like an overpowered lightbulb, the light spread wider and wider across the dome. Then, the cage burst. “Excellent. Now let’s go find our base.” John said. Houston transported them. And what they saw made their jaws drop. Huge, ferocious Firewings attacked the fleeing soldiers below. An army armed with powerful nuclear bullets marched across the land, destroying the seven`s home. Then, the seven began to fight. Power closed his fist, creating a sinkhole to wipe out a considerable amount of the enemy’s army. Joe raised his hands and dropped them, flailing the Firewings around like dolls. Houston transported all the soldiers he could see to the middle of space, right in front of a black hole. Ocean concentrated, and he made a geyser of water erupt at every soldier’s feet, blasting them to the sky. John and James helped make a small army out of huge skyscrapers, that was crackling with electricity. Soon, the soldiers and dragons fled, but they were faced with yet another problem. A huge, mutant species of the Firewing, a Typhoontail, emerged from the shadows. And perched on top was a furious Perio the smart. He flew across the land with so much speed that no one could catch him, and he started to destroy the remaining buildings, after every acid blast, every explosion was catastrophic. Once all the buildings were eliminated, he left, saying “Until we meet again!” And all was quiet.

“Oh, my word… it`s all gone” Sam said in despair. He was about to suggest clearing the debris when the rock that connects the dimensions began to shine. It glowed brighter and brighter until an old man came out. He had a white beard, leather gloves and was wearing silk robes. “I am Beardo, the sorcerer of the east! I have come to help you, for Perio is no easy enemy. He is shrewd, evil, and smart. I should know-my kingdom fell to his attack.” He announced. He took out a silver watch and a golden ring. “This ring is called Deathstorm” He said. He gave to Sam. “Tap it.” He invited. Sam lightly tapped the rim of the ring. Immediately, the ring melted into a double-sided sword. It had a strange tint to its blade. “This is useless. Firewing acid can melt diamond.” Sam said. “Yes, but this is stronger. This is multi-titanium. Can only be heated with the heat of a thousand suns. Even so, it can only be hammered with the force of a charging Mole dragon. It is unbreakable. And the handle is made of purified Typhoontail hide. It will return to your hand the moment you call for it.” He said. He gave the watch to Joe. “You are skilled at offence. However, you lack in safety. This watch would turn into a shield when you press the reverse button.” Joe did this, and immediately a multi-titanium shield with wickedly sharp edges appeared on his arm. He gave a bow and arrow to Houston. It was not multi-titanium but was just as strong. It had small bombs behind the arrowheads that would make nuclear bombs seem like a spark of electricity. It turned into a baseball hat if not used. James and John each got a double-bladed axe that folded into a fork if not used. Ocean and Power both had powerful weapons, so they got candy that if eaten, they could be granted invincibility for an hour. “I wish you the best of luck.” Beardo said. Just as he left, a huge explosion sounded from the jungles. The seven turned toward the sound. But they did not know the trouble was right in front of them…

They ran to the jungle to find Perio`s entire army. They activated their weapons. A volley of arrows whistled as they sped to the seven, but they bounced off Joe`s shield. A Firewing spat steaming acid at them that should have melted them to dust but got deflected by the flat of John`s axe. Houston shot a single arrow at the Firewing flock and was pleased to see that the single arrow destroyed an entire legion of the flying pests. The soldiers on land charged. Their metal swords shattered with contact with the powerful titanium weapons. A catapult that launched a thousand tons of metal simply bounced of Joe`s shield. Soon, the soldiers were gone, and the dragons were not that far behind. Every arrow decimated at least a hundred dragons. And now, the rest helped. Joe used his power to keep the Firewings still while Houston fired. Sam grew vines to tie the beasts to the ground as James and John cut them to pieces. Ocean and Power ate the candy, said “Yum” and jumped to the air, cutting the dragons on their way down. Soon, the entire place was empty except for seven boys. But Perio was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, a boom rattled the ground. The seven clung to Houston as he teleported them to the sound-and their base. Perio, on his Typhoontail, was leveling the ground he had already destroyed. He flew to the ground when he noticed them. Sam lunged at Perio with this sword but found it met with a blade of his own. “Multi-titanium” He said with distaste. “Good thing I brought my own” But then he turned pale. A blade was sticking out of his body. Regular iron. He found James holding the blade. Perio died, and the world returned to its normal state. But before anyone could celebrate, an arrow flew out and struck the ground Houston had been before. He dodged out of the way, but then, a boy jumped out of the bushes, and he landed in front of the seven. “I am Cereal, son of Perio! How dare you kill him!” He yelled. He twirled his bow and arrow until it was a double sided, double edged steel sword. Sam lunged. As the blades met, a small explosion erupted, sending a wave of energy around them. Both blades held. “How…?” Sam asked. “This is celestial steel. It is nearly as strong as the multi-titanium, and it is lighter. Then, the duel began. As they fought, soldiers armed with the steel weapons charged out of the trees, rocks, bushes, and ruins. As much as they struggled, the army was too strong and too many. An arrow struck Joe`s thigh. A weighted net fell over them, a rope made of reinforced steel and titanium. It had heavy gold weights. It was purely designed for occasions like this. “My father thought that you would make good slaves. But I know otherwise. Kill them.” As the soldiers approached for the kill, a volley of a dozen arrows disarmed them. The beating of drums began to sound, and a few dozen people-teenagers, by the looks of it-charged out and attacked. One simply had weapons pass him like an illusion, as his weapons were fully lethal. “Retreat!” a voice yelled. A horn blew. The soldiers began to fall back. The seven were left with the strangers who had saved them. “Who are you?” John asked. “Really? You thought that out of the many students with powers, you were the only ones to survive the Husama attack?” Asked the one in the middle. “Come on, we`ll take you to our base.”

The base was made of celestial steel, so it shimmered like silver in the sun. It was shaped like an igloo, except it was steel and it was as big as a six-story building. When they entered it, John said “Whoa”. The entire place was a home, a crafting place, and an entertainment room all at once. Huge, ripe fruit hung from the ceiling. The beds were covered with a blue, bright bulb-a force field. In the right corner, was the armory. A huge, red-hot forge heated the weapons. Then, they were hammered with hammers which hammered on their own. There was an arena in the middle, where they dueled each other for fun, and training. There was about a hundred of these kids, some of which they recognized. “Hey, Jack! You finally back?” Asked a boy enchanting the hammers to bend the metal however he wanted them. “Geez, Peter, I was only gone for a day!” Jack answered. The only problem was that there was as many girls in the base as them was boys, and they practically detested each other, so that was the worst. Other than that, it was fine. “Julian is the male vice president. We voted after we all gathered here. Eliza is the female vice president. Luna, my sister is the female president. And I of course, is the male president” Said Jack, proudly. “Welcome to Snow Fort!”

What the seven learned in the past few days is that all schools have bullies. If the school is for super-kids, then the bully would have superpowers. Even Snow Fort had a bully. His name was Savage, like he was destined to be mean, and well, savage. He was about a meter and a half tall, not that big, but he was strong. But that was not his power. Being able to lift a refrigerator with a thumb was not enough. Naturally, he had to be able to make titanium weapons appear out of thin air as well. He loves to get in a full-blown fistfight, and the only person who can handle him was Jack. He could turn into solid, liquid, or gas, allowing Savage`s fist to go right threw him, as he offered a strike of his own. Joe had been taken to the healing center, which was the only place Savage had agreed to not attack. Luna, Eliza, Jack, Julian, Power, and Ocean worked out a plan to defend the base when attacked by Cereal and his army. Houston had found a talent with mechanics and building. He made spikes cover the dome. Then, he made two huge robots to protect the base when in attack. Despite the oncoming war, the kids needed some entertainment. They decided to go to the arena and have a team duel. Naturally, the teams slid into boys versus girls. They decided to hold the fight on Tuesday when a crash interrupted their plans. They peeked out of the bulletproof glass window and saw one of their guardian robots crumble to dust. Outside, Cereal riding his father`s dragon smiled evilly. They just watched in shock when Luna remembered something. “You know, the duel plans were basically battle plans. We had a plans just in case you showed up with dragons and an army.” “Why?” Power asked. Luna rolled her eyes as if saying, you should know. Boys are cheaters with hair. “We have the perfect plan. Trust us.” “Trust girls? We`d rather go to war without a plan than follow yours” Jack said. “If you want to get mauled, that`s how you get mauled.” Eliza said. It seemed to become a full-blown ‘physical’ argument until a bolt of lighting appeared in the ceiling and struck the ground in front of them. “Enough! Just let the girls do whateves and just watch!” James said. Since that seemed the best way, everyone agreed.

The massive dome door opened, and sixty armed girls walked out. Luna waved her hand through a shadow, and suddenly, a huge monster of darkness appeared in it. It lunged forward. It got shot with acid by the Firewings, exploding into dark fog. This was the best cover for the defenders, and soon the darkness swept the whole army in as well. Luna could see perfectly through the dark, and the others had goggles to help them see. They ambushed the soldiers, dragons, and took their weapons. They were fighting guerilla style, fighting, and melting back into the dark. But suddenly, Cereal raised his arms, and the darkness melted to a bright light. The Typhoontail had created a fire tornado, and it was sweeping across the ground. However, it was stopped like it was caught in a weighted net. The door opened again to see Power holding the force-inater, stopping the tornado. Sam arrived to extinguish the fire. John transformed into a bear thing-except about 40 meters long and 30 meters wide. He roared and he slapped the dragons and their riders out of the air. The boys had arrived. “What`s the plan?” Jack asked. “The plan was to seal them in my special suffocating darkness wall.” Luna answered. Jack stared at his sister like she was a Luna-tic. “The last time you did that, half the planet was consumed before we could stop it!” He reminded her. “We have to try.” With that, she raised her sword, a fine multi-titanium blade in one side, a gleaming celestial steel blade in the other. She struck it with the titanium part and yelled “LET THE DARKNESS FORM!!!!” Suddenly, out of nowhere, a thick, black sheet of fog appeared and began expanding. Dragons and catapults fired into the fog, but they bounced off like it was solid. It began consuming the living, but as soon as they were inside, they felt their bodies crushed to a crisp, and their souls being devoured by the darkness around them. Beads of sweat began to form in Luna`s forehead, and she began to turn pale. Meanwhile, the huge sheet of darkness swallowed the last of the soldiers. “THAT`S IT, STOP!” yelled Sam. But the fog continued to grow. “stop… stop…” Luna murmured. The fog faltered for a moment before resuming its grow. It covered the sun now, and the others began to back away from the rapidly expanding fog. “I have to go in.” Jack said. “What? Are you nuts? The fog would kill you!” “I can turn into gas. I know the only way to turn it off, other than the maker destroying it. We have to go to its core and pull the original shadow out.” With that, he marched into the dark. It stopped… and stopped and started to thicken. It seemed to be fighting itself, but it couldn`t see the intruder. Then, there was a snap. Luna`s blade of pure multi-titanium had broken. “STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She yelled. The fog disappeared, and she collapsed. But the deed was done. Jack was saved. And it was time for the duels.

Since there were injuries, they decided to hold the duel off until Saturday. In that time, Luna recovered, Joe healed, and all the minor injuries vanished. Saturday came. “Just because we fought a war together does not mean that we`ll go easy on you.” Luna said. “Yeah, well, same here” Jack retorted. They got on positions. The first team to go to the rock pillar in the middle and yell, “Pickles with cookies!” Would win. The game started. Savage raced to the rock but found himself trapped in a thick net of darkness. Joe snapped his fingers and made half the girls float. Houston transported them to Catastrophic Cove. The other half was slammed aside by James and John`s brand new electric robot. Meanwhile, Jack was running to the pillar, going through girls without problem. Then he met her sister. Since she could bend darkness to her will, she could easily trap gas materials as well. Luna took out her sword. Jack took out his scythe- a meter long pole with another foot of pure multi-titanium, edged at the tip with poison. Then the duel of the duel began. Luna had put together the titanium side of her blade, so she mainly used that. After a few minutes of fighting, it came to a draw. They resurfaced with their edges at the tip of the other`s throat when an arrow whizzed past them an began giving off gas. “Impossible! Laughing gas arrows were brand new technology!” However, since they were in the same room, they were all affected. Every person began to collapse, Even Luna sank to the ground. This Jack`s golden opportunity. He turned into gas and began floating up the cliff. But a grappling hook beat him to it. Luna had woken up and was climbing up. Jack could only float like a hot air balloon. Luna could climb with speed. She climbed up, the laughing gas sapping her strength, and went up to the top, and yelled “Pickles with…” and fell to the ground. Meanwhile, with those heavy laughing gas filling the floor, Jack got an extra boost. Power and Joe helped him get up faster, and faster, until he reached the top and yelled “Pickles with cookies!” And won.

Applause erupted around the halls. Everyone cheered for the win. They were about to start eating pickles with cookies when a thump happened. They turned to see Peter, Evan, and Ryan pulling up Cereal. “He was hiding behind the arena. He was with that dragon of his, but he got spiked with our reinforcements. “Take him to the dungeon, then he would forever be chained with Silt iron. It isn`t strong or tough, but it will sap his strength.” Julian said. Finally, the age of the slave traders was over.

Part six, the attack of the killer hammerhead

Finally, it was the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas! Since the newest seven kids already had cool weapons, they oversaw handing out the presents. Jack got a pack of a dozen pencils that turned into javelins. Luna got a ruler that turned into a spear. Julian got a pack of trading cards that transformed into ninja stars. Eliza got a notebook that expanded into a thick shield. There were many other presents too much to name. They were going to celebrate with cookies and pickles when a BOOM!!! Rattled the dome. The people rushed outside. There was a huge flying ship that made Snow Fort look like a marble. It fired cannonballs nearly as big as the dome itself. One hit the ground to its right. One to the left. Both were lodged in so tightly not even Joe could remove it. Then, a cannonball hit the dome. The metal ball bounced off its thick titanium walls, but the impact rattled the entire fort. “Luna, you prepare the spikes, Sam, you wrap the thing in soft vines. Houston, you prepare to launch your arrow thing. I will go to the control tower.” Jack said. Then he ran back to the dome and Luna pressed a red button. Immediately, spikes appeared on the dome, cutting an oncoming cannonball. The top of the dome erupted a hatch, and the dome itself sprouted huge wings and began to go up from the earth. Two cannons appeared on either side of the hatch, and they launched at the ship, and made two holes in the hull. Houston launched his arrow bomb, and it exploded the engine. The ship creaked and fell, creating a mound of earth ten meters high. The base peppered the fallen ship from the sky. The ship flooded with millions of soldiers. Over a thousand dragons erupted from the ship. Some were shot down. Others were hit with cannonballs. The titanium label read the killer hammerhead. The ships engines groaned as it tried to get the ship back into the air. The gears began to turn. The ship was about to fly when a pencil- turning into a javelin as it flew- zipped past the soldiers and pulverized the gears. Then came the real deal. A Mole Dragon, bigger than Ares, wrapped around the ship’s mast and began to pull the ship. The soldiers helped, and the other dragons wrapped their tails around the ship`s sails and began to pull. Very slowly, the ship began to move. It retreated before the defenders could follow. Then, the dome sank back into the ground. “Geez. Every time we defeat some bad guy, another keeps appearing!” Ocean said angrily as he kicked a rock. “I don`t know who that was, but they certainly have power.” Jack said. “I do.” Ocean said. “The Shark pack is the rebellious group in my dimension. They live in the midnight zone. The killer hammerhead is the biggest ship there.” However, Julian was looking at the huge cannonballs surrounding the base. “Hey, guys? I think we should hollow out these cannonballs or something and make watch towers.”

So, after a few days of dangerous work, the cannonballs were transformed into a steel-coated, hollowed out watchtowers. It looked exactly like the original base, except it was a little small.

After about a week, the ship reappeared fixed. It fired at the watchtowers, but the balls were deflected by the celestial steel reinforcements. The base flew up and rammed against the ship. A huge hole appeared. The entire fort containing supernatural children flew up and appeared on deck. The soldiers ran around in panic. The ‘supernatural children’ exited the fort and attacked. The entire deck exploded as Houston fired his arrow and Joe strengthened them. The newly fixed gears groaned as it struggled to keep the ship afloat. The kids returned to their fort and flew off. The ship hit the ground. Half of the ship got sank got stuck on the ground. “This is our chance! Reduce it to rubble!” Jack yelled. The hollowed-out cannonballs fired their own and the base shot the most. The part that stuck out of the ground was peppered with thousands of steel and titanium cannonballs. The Mole Dragon was hit with over ten cannonballs and it fell to the ground, when a piece of debris fell on him and sliced him in half. A ninja star made of Silt iron struck him and he transformed into dust. The part of the ship that was exposed still fired back. One hit a watchtower so hard that it dented the roof. The main base fired back, taking the sails, part of the mast, and the front deck. Then, the sailors (or flyers?) milled out to meet the approaching cannonballs. They swung their grappling hooks at the base. Several stuck and started to pull the dome to the ground. One landed perfectly on the left wing. Then, Jack activated the spikes and tore the hooks like it was butter. Then, the dome shot the spikes down. It shot down some dragons trying to go up to the dome. However, the hook on the left wing was still stuck. The wings had no defenses. So, Sam activated Deathstorm and slashed at the chains. But then, a hook flew out of nowhere and lassoed Sam to the wing. As the grip tightened, Sam began to suffocate. Thankfully, Julian saw him. But he was on the ground! He threw his star in steel mode. It sliced the hook and hit a dragon that was flying silently up to Snow fort. Thankfully, the one dragon was hit, but many more were gathering. “Okay, we need to do something.” Luna said as she stabbed a soldier with her new spear. “I agree. I suggest… attack plan macaroni.” Jack said as he deflected an arrow. Luna smirked. “What?” Jack demanded. “It`s attack plan mesopotamia.” “Messy… what?” “Never mind.” Luna said. With that, she called, “Attack plan mesopotamia! Formations 43!” The defenders all retreated and gathered. Then, a huge, black fog appeared out of nowhere. The fog was like a car window. The kids could see the attackers just fine, but the attackers couldn`t see the kids. Then, the defenders shot their arrows at them. Several hit. The unfortunate little things fell to the ground. Suddenly, the ship`s main door opened. “Are those rabbits coming at us?” Joe asked. The things exiting the ship were cute, fluffy, white rabbits. They looked just like those pets that everyone wanted. One even had a miniature pink hair band. Then, a ball of fire came from somewhere and blasted Luna`s wall to bits. “Okay, that`s a mesopotamia fail… how about, formation 6?” Jack suggested. Julian did a double take. “Are you saying what I think your saying? That is like, stupid suicide.” “Do we have a choice?” Jack asked. “Fine.” Julian replied. He stretched out his hand. A spiky boulder appeared out of the ground and struck the soldiers. They almost forgot about the rabbits until… one almost killed Julian. It blasted a ball of fire right at his face. “What the pickle?” Jack said. “Shoot the bunnies!” The cannonballs decided that the ship was pulverized and trained fire on the bunnies. However, the bunnies shot back. “I don`t think those bunnies are regular.” Julian said helpfully. The rabbits made a wall of fire to block unfriendly fire. It blocked the cannonballs-most of them. One struck down directly on the middle. When it did, the creatures went flying. The bunnies decided they were not going to be bullied and started shooting mercilessly at the base. Even though the fire glanced harmlessly off the walls, the bunnies kept shooting. They clung to the wings of a dragon, one for a wing, and began shooting-the dragon and the two masses of fluff stuck to their wings. Every time one of those went down, it was a golden star, but ‘every time’ was very rare. Then, a man stepped out. He wore a black tuxedo, wore a black tie, had polished leather shoes, and had a nicely trimmed hair. He looked like a businessman, or a magician. Yes, he was a magician. He unsheathed his weapon-a meter long wand, barbed at the tip, flickering with red light. “Wait, I know that! That`s the legendary weapon, Clasher. That thing can turn into any lethal weapon.” Luna said. James gulped. He took out his fork and twisted it. Immediately, a double-sided multi-titanium axe appeared. He and John lunged. Clasher turned into a whip. It wrapped around the axe`s handle and tore it out of John`s and James hands. John and James reached for their weapons, but the magician dude caught the axes as they flew back to their hands. He smiled. “I the feared sorcerer of the south, Feardo!” “Feardo? Any chance you know a dude called Beardo?” John asked. Feardo spat on the ground. “Do not speak his name! He my little brother, an imbecilic fool!” However, his anger let him forget the axes it his hands. They glided back to their masters. Feardo swung his whip again, but John parried. The whip was going to be useless, so the thing turned into a mace. Well, a mace in one side and a blade in another. The two fought until Jack began to help, with two of his javelins in his hands. Bunnies charged. Dragons roared. It all seemed to go wrong until Ocean yelled, “TREACHEROUS KIND! YOU ARE LIKE BUBBLES! YOU SHALL IRRITATE THE CURRENTS, BUT YOU WILL FIZZLE OUT, IN THE END!” Then he threw one of his spears. Feardo threw Clasher. The moment the sky and the sea met; an eruption strong enough to make Houston`s arrows seem like a tap on the shoulder exploded. It vaporized the entire battlefield. Luckily, all the other teenagers put their powers together and made a shield, but barely survived the blast. When the dust cleared, they saw Feardo, with nothing else except Clasher, was facing Ocean. The two fought, but it was no contest. Ocean stabbed Feardo, took Clasher, and ended the short war. Or he thought so. Feardo grimaced and rose again. Clasher flew back to his hands. “What?” Ocean said. “Nice try, weakling, but I have twenty lives. You only took one.” The sorcerer raised his hands, and the half of the ship that was buried rose and vanished into thin air. Then he was consumed in a purple blast and became stronger. Bunnies began to come out from the bushes. They fired blasts at Ocean, but thankfully, a wall of water blocked it. Power lunged. “I know this light! This is the aurora of the south!” He punched with his gloves. Clasher barely survived the first blast. A ninja star hit Feardo on the chest. He doubled over, but then rose again. The wound was completely healed. Clasher turned into a spear with a barbed tip. He stabbed Power on the head, but it deflected of his hat. Then, the ship returned with friends. The Killer Hammerhead glided over with half a dozen ships, the Aqua Torture, the Whirlwind, the Merciless Hurricane, Sea Tamer, Fierce Beluga, and the Great White Revenge. They were all almost as big as the Killer Hammerhead and fired many cannonballs. Bunnies rained from the ships. Bunnies riding dragons, bunnies riding parachutes, bunnies riding jet packs. The parachutes were an easy target, but the bunny`s blast could deflect a cannonball. The base shook and rattled every time the balls hit them but did not even get a scratch. “I`m going to my place to get our own weapons.” Ocean said. Suddenly, a streak of white and black flashed past him. Telepathy! “Good boy! Now get the rabbits” The tiger focused on the oncoming fluff and lunged. Fire did not affect him at all. He got to the first bunny and ripped it apart mercilessly. After a few hours, the creatures backed away. In that time, Ocean returned with his own ship. A flying ship, bigger than the Killer Hammerhead, glided over. It was the Greatest Dolphin. With a single blast from its cannon, the Great White Revenge was pulverized. It fired cannonballs at all ships, blasting the engines and making them fall to the ground. Then, it came face to face with three ships. The flying Snow Fort lodged into the Greatest Dolphin and fired at the ships. Ocean pressed a button and the ship covered with steel plates, and the cannonballs bounced off. Then, the Greatest Dolphin grew a foot of titanium spikes and rammed against the Killer Hammerhead. Telepathy lunged at a huge crowd of rabbits and bit into them. He roared, and his friends appeared. They growled and purred, as they started to dig in. The poor little bunnies were so shocked seeing their fireballs bouncing off the gleaming pelts of the tigers that they barely had time to react. They mostly were eaten, and others glided back to their ships, but then got blown up by cannonballs the size of a big house. The dragons were not that lucky either. The tigers didn`t even wince at the hottest acid and savagely tore the beasts apart. Speaking of savage, Savage was on the Aqua Torture. He brandished a titanium mace, and he threw the swords that appeared in his hand. He threw of two soldiers and stabbed the third. They he saw an unfriendly cannonball jetting toward the Greatest Dolphin. He made a grappling hook and stuck it into it as it passed. But even Savage wasn`t strong enough to stop 100 tons of raw metal. He slid along the deck, keeping one hand on his hook and another on his enemies. Then, just as he was going to be flung off, he quickly tied the rope to the mast and jumped off. He made a long pole appear and slid harmlessly to the ground. Meanwhile, the Aqua Torture wasn`t so lucky. It zoomed forward with a huge cannonball dragging them along. The cannonball`s destination changed, though. It charged into the Sea Tamer; both were capsized with an explosion. Meanwhile, Feardo was getting madder and madder. He swung Clasher, now a whip to Savage. He saw that a split second before he would be whipped in half. A shield appeared and the whip bounced off without a scratch. Savage swung an axe at him, and it caught him on the chest. Then Ocean saw his chance. He threw his spear and impaled him. So much harm was done that ten lives past before he healed. Then he froze. He paled. A Silt iron dagger had stabbed him on the chest. Silt iron was the only thing that could absorb energy. Feardo shriveled as his lives, one by one, vanished into the blade. He melted into silt, hence the name Silt iron. Holding the dagger was Joe. He had finally put an end to the evil sorcerer. The ships were taken, the rebellious army locked up, and finally, just finally, there was peace.


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