A blog is always full of boring stuff. So today we are going to talk about the actors in “Harry Potter”.
(*This information what I heard of so it might be wrong if it is wrong you are free to edit the blog*)
First of all the actor behind adorable and cool bookworm Hermonie (+my favorite character) is none other than face master Emma Watson!! No one does not know about Emma Watson right? She got into Harry Potter from a request from her teacher. She was only acting in school plays so she was really excited about a real movie. At first the PD did not have any thoughts about Emma and was thinking about taking her off the movie but as Emma called the staff almost one time each hour to see if she was in, the staff realized she was the perfect girl for the job. Right now she is 31 and her husband is Leo Robiton. She was born in England and is REALLY pretty. She is known for liking the actor of Malfoy, Tom Felton. We will talk about him later. Her net worth is 80 million. OMG. One thing is clear, she is PRETTY.
Second of all, the actor of Harry Potter, the main character himself, is Daniel Rancliff. He is the richest of all Harry Potter actors and he is 31. He was casted by a staff member at a movie theater. His mom thought that Daniel was too young but Harry as who had fallen in love with the movie after seeing *cough* Emma Watson *cough*. He begged his mom to let him do it and his mom agreed. He was born on July 23, 1989 in Fulham, London, England,. And is the best known British actor for his screenplay in Harry Potter. He is the richest of all the actors in Harry Potter and his net worth is 112 million dollars. OMG. One thing is sure, he is filthy rich.
Third, the actor of Ron, Ruper Grint. He is 32 and the oldest of the three main characters. In the movie Lavender has a crush on Ron but he is interested in Hermione. He ends up marrying Hermonie and having Kids but I am not going to talk about him anymore because I think Hermonie should have gone with Harry.
Lastly, the actor of Draco Malfoy is Tom Felton and he is 33. He knew that Emma had a crush on him and messed around with her and used her to get a girlfriend in real life so I am not gonna really talk about him either. He is the enemy of Harry and he was picked by the staff because he made jokes and cheated the staff out of a question.
So today we learned about Harry Potter characters and actors. One thing's sure...HARRY POTTER RULES!!!! If you did not see it I’m serious, go see it right now. And get some popcorn with it. Bye!
I don't like Daniel.
He has BLUE EYES!! R u kidding me?? Harry's eyes are GREEN