Let me tell you about a little...no enormous girl, my little sister. I don’t want to call her her name “Terra” because Terra is a very cute name and my little sister is far from cute, so I will call her Hog the second adding on to Joyce’s post. Why is my sister Hog the 2nd? Well here are 2 issues why.
First, the chocolate milk accident. The day my little sister started elementary school, our parents took us to a buffet. Now, my mom is one of those people that do not eat sweets and she expected that out of us too. So, when I spotted chocolate milk, I almost hyperaerated. Sure me and my family would sometimes eat cake, chocolate, and more, I never saw chocolate MILK! So my mom got a glassful and told me and my sister and me to share but at that moment Hog reached for it and gulped it in one shot and I just stared at her my chin drooping. My mom didn’t say anything for a second and got me another glassful for me AND ONLY ME to drink. But alas, Hog swept it out of my hands (spilling some) and drank it again! My mom scolded her and I went with dad to get another glass of chocolate milk.
Second, blamer. Me and my little sister once cut up one of our mother’s dresses one of her EXPENSIVE DRESSES and made it into a doll’s dress. I believe we were about 7 and 5 so we didn’t really know what was happening to us. We were just making a pink dress for our new barbie when our mom came in and said “who?”. I was going to confess when my little sister pointed her fat finger at me! So I took the blame.
So, this was my blog about my hoggy little sister
Thank you :)

thanks for commiting :)
Looks like there are a lot of hogs living with us, girl or boy
You know, that picture reminds me of my own hoggy sister!