There was a peaceful village with Bears living a happy life. It was by the sea, so the view was Awesome, too. Bears also loved Honey. They kept eating Honey, slurping it from a pot.
They Always sang “Honey, Honey Honey~~~” All day. They treated Honey as God. And in the sea, there was an underwater city. It was where dolphins lived a happy life. It was by a Coral reef, so the view was Awesome, too. Dolphins also loved Tuna. They kept eating Tuna, munching on it from a pot. They Always sang “Tuna, Tuna, Tuna~~~” All day. They treated Tuna as God. One day, when a bear was fishing for salmon, which they also liked, they saw a dolphin coming by the shore. He was floating on the ground.
“Hello, fellow bear, I am Shade, from the dolphin city. I have a word to say to your king.”
Shade said.
“Of course, follow me.” Said the fisher Bear.
After 3 minutes, they met the Bear King, Alexanbear the 3rd. Shade said that the dolphin king, Octabialphin the 3rd, wanted a party. Alexanbear agreed.
After 3 days, there was a party, but bears did not know what to give to the dolphins. They knew they wanted Tuna, but the bears there wanted honey. This was a major problem. The dolphins were coming in 5 hours. They thought for 4 hours, when a very wise bear said,
“Maybe we can spray honey on Tuna!”
Everybody agreed at that thought. They named it Honey n’ Tuna. When the time had come, Bears and Dolphins had a happy time eating Honey n’ Tuna.
-The End