A long, long time ago when tigers smoked cigarettes, the world was made. It was made along with the greatest god, Atlas. He was the most superior and was chosen to rule all of space. But, he couldn’t take care of all of the planets by himself. So, he made other gods and dispatched them to take care of the planets.
Finally, a few of those gods were sent to Earth. There was one god for the sky, Beta, but because of an error, there became two gods for the land. The destruction of a god was an energy waste, so Atlas decided to leave the two Centauri and Delta, and let them all take control of Earth’s ground.
But, it had seemed obvious that there would be a problem. Since Centauri and Delta wanted to take control of more areas, they fought many times. Since they were gods, when they fought, volcanoes were exploding, etc. Also, they made something called ‘plates’. They pushed those plates toward the other god, and the plates smashed toward each other, making a huge impact, creating what is now called ‘earthquakes’. This fight was the reason for Earth getting divided into continents. Before it, there were no such things as continents, and the land part was held all together. Every time it occurred, it shook the world. It was a fight between two gods, and that made it disastrous. Beta reported it to Atlas. After Beta reported, Atlas told Centauri and Delta to let the fight go. Atlas said to fight only from time to time because if they go at this pace, Earth might explode and disappear.
With that solution, time passed without serious disasters, fortunately. That is why earthquakes don’t occur every second but appear from time to time. To add, we still have something called ‘plates’ and the gods still use those to fight. That is also the reason why a lot of volcano eruptions and earthquakes happen around the ring of fire, which is the arena for the two gods to fight.
