Centuries ago, there was a boy named Horus. Horus had the ability to handle well on a fire. When he was young, he could blast fire on his hand and when his parents and him were on a trip to the woods, Horus made the fire. His fire was also so bright that the Sun could say sorry. Horus’s parents knew that Horus had some superhuman abilities. However, one day, Horus’s home burned down to fire. The main reason was because of Horus. He accidentally blasted fire on his hands and couldn’t stop it. His parents, too, perished in the miserable fire. The fire was as fast as a cheetah, but Horus ran to his lives and eventually escaped from his home.
Horus was feeling so terrible and he was also anxious. He didn’t know what to do next. He needed to find a home. Luckily, the Kent family, who saw all the situation, because they were neighbors with Horus’s family, went to Horus and said “Horus, I know that you’re feeling very sad and dreadful. However, we could adopt you and let’s be a family together. Horus was brightened. He said “Yes! Please! Horus was adopted by the Kent family that way. The Kent family also lived in a very modest home. There home wasn't that good, but wasn't bad either.
When Horus was adopted by his family, he had a major problem. The problem was that Horus couldn't control his powers. Horus was a very good kid, but when he goes very mad and wild, nobody could stop him. He was like a machine. His powers were like a dragon's flame. He actually burned all the cows that were in a farm which was the Kent family. The Kent family was highly surprised by Horus's powers. They told Horus when to use his powers and when to not. Unfortunately, it was very hard for Horus to control his powers.
The next day, the Kent family bought Horus a stadium. The stadium was as large as a dinosaur. He practiced ever day. After his training was finished, he called people all over the world. He decided to make a running race. All the people ran and ran. Horus was the first. Horus was celebrated by all of the people. People gave him a torch's handle because it was a tradition of giving a torch's handle to a winner of a game. When he got the handle, his brain lighted up. Using his superhuman abilities, he made fire and put it on the torch. All the people exclaimed and told him that it was so cool. Horus decided to give the torches to all the runners and made them run with the torch. After this event, we began to run with torches while we are running.
