Usually around me, there are many friends. Today, I am specifically talking about my school friends. What about them? How tall they are. As I grow up to 6th grade soon, I really think I am an acorn. Too short. I mean, I think I'm the second smallest boy in my class. I think I'll be in 'Top 15 most smallest student from class 1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9". All my class are around the 150s and even 160s. When I was young, I though 5th graders were tall and tough and all that cool and stuff. You know what? When I become a 5th grader, I literally felt like an acorn. Absolutely not tall, tough, nor cool. Just an acorn. My current height is 148 cm, and my brother is 175. So, I need to grow up approximately 10 cm every year to catch up, even when we think he won't grow up any more. Every time I meet him, I feel like a piece of rice.
Recently, I have had medicine called 'Han-Yak' Which my parents say that will help me get tall(though I don't believe that). It was in one word, tires of a truck made into liquid, and then a little bit of dirt water in it. In one word, disgusting. Thankfully, I have cleared it. According to my mom, all I need to do is 'wait'. But as a Korean... I can't wait.
ur not an acron. Ur a dolphin... right?