I hate bugs. I don’t mean to offend anyone who likes bugs but I hate them. They are disgusting looking with those weird tentacles. I hate bugs and they seem to hate me. It is an everyday situation. Every day I walk to school, flies swarm around me and when I go on vacation, mosquitoes bite me and not the rest of my family. When I look at them every day, I feel queasy like I am going to throw up. Also don’t ask me questions such as “ Do you like butterflies? They are pretty though.” NO. I don’t like them. Search for butterflies up close and you can see my point. Anyways so this is my story: P.S I did not copy the bug book by Roald dahl( James and the Giant peach)
Once upon a time there was a girl named Jennifer. She detested bugs. She hated them and she hated them. One day when she woke up there was a fly waking Jennifer up. When she was about to kill it, she could hear “ please don’t kill me! You killed all my children except 2 and I can’t leave them without a mom!” Ignoring her, Jennifer swatted the fly away, not killing it. ( so nice ) Jennifer never heard those bugs again.