Gummy bears were founded by a wonderful man called Has Rigel, born in Germany. These days, they are a big part of the snacks in the world. Almost every human knows Gummy bears, have tried one or at least heard of it.
Originally, there were 5 flavors. Lemon, Orange, pineapple, Rasberry, and strawberry. They were all in the shape of a bear. Now, as the whole world of gummy bears develops, there have been new types of jellies. There is the heart, with a red gummy and marshmallows, the egg, with a yellow gummy and marshmallows, and so much more.
There are also seasonal ones. Since it's near Halloween, the gummy bear factory made the choice to season its gummy's shape and wrappers Halloween-themed. It does the same for Easter, Christmas, and much more holidays.
Lastly, let me introduce you to the magical "star mix". It contains a mix of everything; cola, ring, egg, heart, and the original gummy bear was the whole package. Now, there are so many types of gummy bears that it is hard to keep track of them.
When little kids are young, parents use haribos as leverage. For example, they say"You will earn a pack of cola gummy bears tomorrow if you go to bed now!". The poor kids have no other option than to follow what the parent says. It is surprising how much time it takes for that little gummy to become someone's daily snack.
This is the end, and thank you for reading. Fanboy! (technically, sentence does not start with "Fanboys")
