Ok, now, this is really making me mad!
I just randomly turned on the TV and then Harry Potter was on <3
(Warning: If you never read Harry Potter, you won't understand anything)
Anyways, It was Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 💖🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤
That's my favorite Harry Potter book *add 100 emoji hearts plz*
The reason that I like it is that it mainly focuses on Voldemort's past. I mean it's so interesting!!!
But uggggg I was soooo annoyed.
Voldemort says in a memory "I can make bad things happen to people who are mean to me", making it sound like he was bullied, making us feel sympathy for him, which is really not the point.
The actual line from the book is "I can make bad things happen to people who annoy me". This shows how cold-hearted he is, but ugh, it just had to be "are mean".
And like, the "Half-Blood Prince". It's actually basically a textbook that the Prince wrote in, and that's what the whole book is named after. But do you know how many times it was mentioned???? 4!
It shows it only 2 times during the whole movie, and The Sectumsempra, and Snape "How dare you use my own spells against me Potter? I who invented them, the Half-Blood Prince?".
And Ginny. Ginny is so different that it basically makes me mad. Her hair is not red enough, and sorry to say, but she's too ugly to be Ginny. What happened to the Flaming read hair? The "5 boys chasing her" (comment from Fred or George)? She is still the shy little 1st year from the Chamber of Secrets. That's just so messed up. *sigh*
Did you know?? The director of the Goblet of Fire didn't even read the Book, Fleur's ugly, why, why, why do they cut Dobby, add the stupid dragon chase, and cut Ludo Bagman??!! Oh, I almost forgot. They tried to add dancing trolls. Not kidding, really. *sigh*
I mean the 6th book is a warning, adding danger, Dumbledore's dead, the dark mark is everywhere, Hogwarts gets attacked, Muggles are randomly dying, Diagon ally is closed, and Ollivander is kidnapped. Do they have to turn this into a romance comedy? They even messed up the ships. *sigh*
The only reason why I don't go and kill the director is because the last cave scene and Avada kedavara was good. But then, again The dark mark is set before Dumbledore's death to get his attention, although his death was already planned. And....can I just say, WHY IS THE DARK MARK BLACK??? IT WAS AND IS SUPPOSED TO BE GREEN!! CAN'T THEY JUST GET A STUPID COLOR RIGHT??? *sigh*
All I can say is, this movie is trash. And one last note before I go. RAVENCLAW!!! (By now, you will think that I have gone insane). ugh. The symbol of Ravenclaw is an eagle. This is because Raven is a synonym for black, and eagles have black claws. But no. Surprise, surprise, they made it............................. a raven.

I better end this, cause I think that I'm going to explode. See you in my next blog!!
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