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Indominus Escape… what actually happened-


So last time, I wrote about Jurassic World 1. And in that blog, I told you guys that I would write about a specific scene that happened in the movie

SPOILER ALERT(well maybe I should have wrote spoiler alert when in the last blog but whatever).

Also, some of you have been confused how can a woman outrun a T rex in high heels.

Answer: Apparently, contrary to popular belief, the species Tyrannosaurus cannot actually outrun humans. As per an article in National Geographic, the giant lizard is not known for its speed and is restricted to only brisk walking. The T rex would possibly only reach about 12 miles per hour. Its bones would have cracked if it had moved any quicker. And the fastest woman can run about 20 miles an hour, so all that fuss about Clair dearing outrunning a T rex is completely plausible. But the real question is, why is the car in Jurassic park driving so slow?

Real Blog: Claire Dearing and Owen Grady go to check on the Indominus Rex in it’s pen. But surprise surprise, the indominus doesn’t show up on heat signature cameras or visual cameras. Owen and another poor guy goes inside the pen of the Indomius which is like, super stupid because they could have checked where the Indomius was using her ID chip or something that they put in the Indominus when she was a baby. But, they just go into the Indominus pen. They should have seen it coming. They just saw a bunch of scratches on the wall, and thought she climbed over. But, she just came out of the jungle background in her pen, with Owen and the other guy in with her. The other guy gets eaten, and Owen manages to escape, but lets the Indominus escape in the process. Here’s what I think is weird. The indominus has both cuttlefish DNA, and tree frog dna. Wu explained that himself. Cuttlefish can camouflage themselves to hunt, which is really cool btw. A tree frog can control its body heat. So the Indominus could have hidden from the heat signature, and visual cameras. Although, the problem is, the Indomius couldn’t have used both of the cuttlefish and tree frog’s powers at the same time. You see, tree frogs can change their body heat by changing their colors. The darker it becomes, the higher its heat goes up. Now, you might have noticed what’s weird. The indominus' pen's background, which is a jungle, is completely dark green. For the Indominus to camouflage itself, it would have made its body heat to go up. However, in the movie, it tells us that the Indominus hid from the heat signature cameras while being camouflaged. This is scientifically impossible. Dr. Wu should have known about this science. After all, he is a genius… or he is lying. What I’m saying is, the Indominus didn’t escape on it’s own. She had inside help. Even the smartest Dino in the world couldn’t have possibly figured out about

  1. the electric waves(?) coming from the heat signature cameras

  2. that those cameras were even heat signature cameras

  3. that led to the idea that it was placed there by humans.

But if you are wondering, why would Dr. Wu do this? Why would he let this dinosaur out? At first sight, people would say that if anyone set the Indominus free, it would be Vic Hoskins. He wanted a field test for 2 years, for the raptors that Owen trained. He wanted to use them as live weapons. When the indominus is set free, Vic keeps on pressuring Masrani to let him use the raptors to hunt down the indominus. However, Mr. Masrani goes against the idea, saying that no more dinosaurs will be set loose on this island. But, when Mr. Masrani dies in a helicopter crash, Vic hoskins takes over, and has the field set he always wanted. This all adds up. Except for one part. He is surprised when the Indominus is set free. So this only leaves Dr. Wu. Dr. Wu is in this for fame. He makes these dinosaurs for attention. But, right now, the park is losing money. Simon Masrani completely ignores the financial problems he is facing. If the park fails, then no more job for Wu. No more fame, and respect. So it is possible he made a deal with another company. A company that Hoskins works for. A company that wants to make dinosaurs living weapons for war. In the scene where Wu runs away in a helicopter, he says this

Wu: WHERE’S HOSKINS?(caps lock cuz well, he’s talkin in a helicopter)



Hm… What deal? I bet Wu gets money from Hoskin’s company that he works for, if he can prove that dinosaurs like raptors can be fought in a war. What better way than to prove it in live action, against another killer dinosaur? So in a nutshell, Dr. Wu is the true villain in this story, freeing a killer dinosaur he made, just to get himself well fed. Plus, all of this can be proved in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, when the movie reveals that it is Dr. Wu who created another hybrid dinosaur, the Indoraptor.

This was a long post, and I want to watch the spiderman movie tmr so byeeeeee.


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Feb 03, 2024

The film did not do enough to show any involvement Dr Wu may have had in the Indominus rex's escape. Therefore the issue of the Indominus rex's comprehension of the heat cameras remains. However, the answer to how it knew where the tracker had been inserted is easily explained. It did not remember where they put it in, rather, it felt where the shock was coming from as it wandered outside of it's set area. The film says this will happen as it moves away from it's enclosure. It was getting shocked, so it clawed the offensive item out.


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Young Me: *playing with Dinosaur toys*


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