I look around me, and there is a phone screen showing the KBO’s Korean Series match, KT Wiz versus Doosan Bears. My eyes are focused on the screen. If KT wins, they win the season for the first time, and I kept watching it from the 9th inning. At the last out, Park Sae-Hyeok (Doosan) hit the ball, and first basemen Kang Baek-Ho caught it. Out! AND KT WON THE KOREAN SERIES FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!
I am satisfied even though LG didn’t win because I mostly care about how many skillful players they have. I believe that KT’s win was almost obvious because Doosan came up from the wild card and played 7 games. KT was resting in 1st place and training peacefully. There was even news that said Doosan players were tired. The times of “miracle Doosan”, and “fall DNA” were gone for that moment. Park Gyeong Su, who was formerly an LG player, was picked for the Korean Series MVP. For that reason, I am quite displeased but delighted, too. To add, I am not calling for a fight (to Roy and Joyce). You know, it’s a blog post about the games. Even though this year, LG didn’t win, I am still supporting them, and hoping they will win a season later on.
Additionally, the free agent (FA) market is open, so some players might go or come to LG and other teams. I am interested in that, too. LG’s captain is a FA, so I also hope he will stay at LG.

ryan, do u have a death wish?