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Last Blog (The pickle)


This is my last blog (here)

Once upon a time, there was a pickle. The pickle was named James. James always wanted to be eaten alive, but because he was a vegetable, and a salty one at that, no one wanted to eat him. Even with pizza, which was known to go along with pickle, people were ignoring him and eating pizza with his other friends, Kate, Caleb, and Alex. James looked with longing as his friends cheered as they were sliced into thin pieces and eaten on top of pizza. Of course, there was a reason this poor little pickle was ignored. James wasn`t just any pickle. He was the new genetical upgraded pickle, made from genetically enhanced cucumbers and smart salt, which tasted a lot more salty than salt, and could help your immune system. However, James was the first of those pickles, made from GEMs, or Genetically Enhanced Material. Everyone was afraid that there would be side effects to eating these vegetables, so no one bought him. He just floated in his smart-pickle jar, waiting for someone to pick him up and eat him. James was sad. "If only a person would miss the fact that I was a GEM, and pickled me! One day, the miracle happened. "Give me that one." A boy, about a high schooler, pointed at James. James could believe his smart pickle human voice translator app! He was going to be eaten! Hurray! His body quivered with joy as he was cut into thin pieces and were placed on the pizza. The boy, named Sorry Dude, put James in his mouth and chewed. James became so excited that his body exploded! Immediately, the GEMs released an overwhelming amount of energy inside Sorry`s mouth, and James's consciousness was transferred into Sorry`s body. "ACK!!!" Sorry yelled. His body began to convulse, and if you looked closer, you could see his veins glowing bright green. He and James`s brains melded together, and all of their strengths mixed together. Sorry gasped, and his eyes flew open. For a moment, his eyes began to glow green, then the glow faded and Sorry sat up. 'Hello' James whispered in Sorry`s mind. "Who said that?" Sorry yelled, as he looked around. "I am James the pickle. When you consumed me, my powers were transferred on to you. Sorry looked at his hands in shock. "What kind of powers?" "Well, to start off, you get to have my wonderful pickle inside your head at all times.' Sorry groaned. 'And second, you will be able to disintegrate into pickle juice, and spray pickle juice from your body. Third, you get to control salt and trap people inside pickle jars that can be made by you tightening air molecules. And finally, you get to teleport.' Sorry, who`s smile had been growing bigger and bigger after every word, frowned. "What does a pickle have to do with teleporting?" 'Well, technically, your body is turning into microscopic salt cells and flying around in the air and reappearing to your destination, but it`ll feel like a instant to you.' "Okay, I`ll admit, this is pretty cool. Fine. How do I teleport?" 'Wow. Pretty unsurprised, are you now? All you have to do, is envision where you want to go, and you will be there.' Sorry thought of his room, with all his books, toys and toothpaste. Suddenly, he felt himself getting lighter. In an instant, he was in his room. "Woah! It actually worked!!!" Sorry yelled. 'Hmm...of course it did. I can`t believe my amazing Devourer is a collector of toothpaste.' "So, James the pickle, let`s get to know each other."

Meanwhile, in SAD labs, the Scientifically Advanced DNA labs, there was a problem.

"There is no problem!" Doctor King yelled. "Why won`t my superfood not get any attention???!!! My inventions will shake the world!!!" He yelled into a world wide camera. Though his assistant motioned for him to calm down, Doctor King would not. "If you won`t believe it, then I will show you! He plucked a eggplant of his petri dish and popped it into his mouth. "See? Nothing bad. All good." He said while chewing. "So eat our food and become heal-" He was cut off. He collapse, and began to convulse. Then, his eyes flew open-that is, his glowing purple eyes. "Um... Doctor?" The assistant inched away from the doctor, as did the cameramen, reporters, and journalists that were there. The doctor smiled. His teeth were tinted purple, and his front teeth had elongated into fangs. The doctor raised his hands and giant vines grew out from the ground. They wrapped around the screaming people and began to squeeze.

'We got a attack at SAD labs. Apparently my creator ate Stanley and his going crazy!' "What do you have WIFI in there?" 'No, I have a ultraviolet sensors that tell me everything that's going on in a hundred mile radius.' "OK, that`s cool." 'So are you going to help the people dying or stand here and chat with your brain?' "Oh, yeah. So, I don`t know how it looks like. How do I teleport?" 'Turn into liquid and travel through the drains. It will be faster this way.' Sorry closed his eyes, and his body slowly turned into pickle juice. As they travelled, James unfolded his game plan. "First, we sneak inside the facility and get the people out. Then, you lure Dr. Eggplant into a beach, where there would be lots of salt to control. Then, you pin him down.'

Meanwhile, in SAD labs, things weren`t going great. For the regular people there, I mean. For Doctor King, everything was going fine. Just until the kitchen sinks exploded with what appeared to be pickle juice. The pickle juice shaped into a human, who right away, tried to cut the vines with his hands. 'Don`t try to rip it! You don`t have super strength!' James yelled. "I will not be toyed with!" Doctor King yelled. Fresh vines grew out to tangle him, but Sorry liquified and weaved through the vines. Finally, he found what he was looking for: The salt storage. He raised his hands and the storage exploded, releasing tons of salt. Sorry used the salt for cutting the vines and setting people free. The doctor, however, had more tricks up his sleeve. His hands shot powerful rays of sunlight radiation right at Sorry. "Ouch!" Sorry yelled. His body healed at hyper speed, but the radiation had left a considerable third degree burn. Sorry`s hands began to glow light green as he shot pickle juice at the doctor. Doctor King simply evaporated all the water and even disintegrated the salt. "Wait. Salt disintegrates?" 'Yes, of course it does. Most things disintegrate.'

Doctor King drew closer. "Now, I am going to disintegrate you."

As Sorry struggled to get up, new vines grew from the floor to pin him down.

"Uh...James? I can`t disintegrate. Why can`t I disintegrate?" 'You were exposed to absolute hot. Your body is lucky it hasn`t melted down to nothing along with the building.' "Okay. What`s absolute hot?" 'I`ll explain later. Right now you have to focus on getting out.' Dr. King drew closer. His hands began to send out heat waves that could be seen in the air. "Goodbye, kid." Right in that moment, a wave of pickle juice washed through the entire block, dousing everyone-Sorry, Dr. King, the vines. The vines retreated from the salty water, and Sorry was freed. "Whoa. What was that?" 'That was me, trying to save your life. It is evidently harder than I expected, and I expected a nuclear warhead.' "ROAR!!!!!" The pile of rubble that had been burying Dr. King exploded and melted in midair. 'Beach. Now.' Sorry waved his hand, and a wall of salt appeared to form a barrier between the doctor and Sorry. Another wave, and a wave of salt made a hovercraft for Sorry to fly. "Let`s go before that wall breaks!" With that, Sorry began to zoom through the city and head toward the beach. 'Listen up, Dude. Here`s the plan. Since Eggplants get energy from sun, Stanley was crypto kinetic. That means that Dr. King would also be crypto kinetic. Just hold up till night. Only eight hours and forty-eight minutes until the sun goes down.' "Only?" Doctor King was gaining on them, zooming toward Sorry at Mach 0.2. "The beach! Finally!" Sorry`s salt mound dispersed and mixed in with the sand. Dr. King landed in front of them only a moment after. "You brats certainly are a pain." He blasted Sorry with a blast of heat, but Sorry jumped out of the way. The blast hit the sand, and that immediately turned the sand to glass. "Your dead, pickle boy!" Sorry raised his hands. Suddenly, thousands of tons of salt rose from the sea and began to swirl around Sorry. 'There you go! Now pour the entire thing on Dr. King!' That was a mistake. When Sorry dropped his salt on top of Dr. King, he sent out a heatwave that sent the salt flying in all directions. Sorry managed to stop some, but most slashed through his skin or flew of where he couldn`t access them. “That was a mistake” Sorry muttered. He summoned more salt from the ocean, and this time, he didn`t pour it on Dr. King, the salt wrapped around his body, and formed some kind of a white, bumpy suit. Sorry flew around in the suit, shooting salt and pickle juice at Dr. King. Dr. King roared in fury. He raised his hands and vines grew from the sand, but Sorry snapped his fingers and salt sprayed around them, contaminating the ground. The salt wrapped around Dr. King, blocking all sunlight. And the salt held until night came, and it was naturally dark. Sorry defeated Dr. King easily and put him in the bottom of the sea, where sunlight never shines. Sorry became the greatest hero in the world. The amazing, the powerful, the creative PICKLEMAN!!!!!!


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