What do you guys think is the scariest thing in the world? Well, I have asked this to tons of friends and most of the boys said me (thank you^^^^) and most of the girls said murder, corona, being alone, ext, however, there was no one who said my answer, which is a 'ghost'. Now people might say that my thoughts about ghosts are stupid and they aren't real (which I don't really disagree). But, the reason I am scared of ghosts is because I have encountered one. Before my great great grandmother's funeral, I went early to the funeral place with my mom and little sister. However, since at that time I was 7, little me not scared of anything and just curious what would happen if I opened the coffin lid tried to open the coffin lid. However, my mom told me not to and sad me just went to the bathroom. The bathroom was all black and I went into the first stall. Then, the lights went out and I saw a man figure but with no feet coming to me. The scary thing is that I just thought a man came into the girls bathroom by accident (I was 7) and he accidently lost his feet in an accident (ahhem I was 7). But, later when I was washing my hands, in the mirror the man was standing there and he literally had a KNIFE. I was super scared and tried to run out of the bathroom but it was locked for some reason and I just sat there and cried. Then, my sister found me and I explained the man to my mom and later during the funeral, I saw my great great grandmother's photo of her with her husband (so, my great great grandfather) but he looked EXACTLY like that man. I was pretty shocked and scared. Then I had about 10 more cases like this but aughhhh so I am kinda sorta completly scared of ghosts. Anywazs that is it for today, what are you guys afraid of?

The one thing I want to say: Scary stories aren't so scary because reality is too scary now...(Mathhhhhhh)