Only men are going to the military these days, and this is already an issue. Mandatory military services are male Korean citizens over the age of 18, are required to serve in the military. Some people may say that Korea has a high chance of war, since our country is surrounded by China, North Korea, and Japan, which makes our country a risky place to live. Also, the soldiers will learn patriotism and patriotism is very important because there is evidence in the past. However, there is discrimination among militaries, militaries aren’t safe at all, and relationships between families wil be weaker. Only men going to the militaries are discrimination, since militaries aren’t safe. Also, there is a bond between our families, but that bond could break because of the long time. Women not going to the militaries and only men going to the militaries are absurd and is basically discrimination. Men will also love to spend time with their families even though they become an adult. Also, the reason why this motion doesn't make any sense is because women also need to be prepared for war. According to the USA today, women and men need to meet at the same combat skill. When there is a war and all the men die, womens should be ready to go and support them.
Men need to prepare for war happening, since our country is not a safe place to live. North Korea invading our country any second

is imaginable. Going to the military is a very risky choice because people could easily die. According to the DCAS reports, in 1981, there were approximately 2380 that died and the Homicide rate was 6.6%. Like this, many men could easily die in a single military. Although the percentage is low, there is probably a considerable amount of men, which will make the people’s dye rate higher than the graph. Innocent people dying every year is not fair for them and their families. The government doesn’t even know all the names of the men that died in the military. Them becoming nameless people is not right.
While men go to the military, their family members will wait. Because of the long 2 years, relationships among families will of course worsen. Other family members will misunderstand men’s feelings. They, too, will want to go home. There is always a bond between the family members. It is like they are connected to each other. However, 2 years is a very long time, which the bond could loosen and break. Then, the family members will not even meet each other after the duration of the military service.
In concusion, mandatory miltary service in Korea should be banned because there is discrimination, militaries are not a safe place to live in and that relationships amoug families will get weaker. Since South Korea is a democratic country, the citizens of South Korea should of course have their own rights and lives.
I disagree because there are physical differences. Besides, if you want to send women too, then you need to buy more land and that costs taxes. Also, not many people have been protesting about this and it was not like women's rights were always, 10000% kept either. If there is a war, it has always been like this: Men fight while the Women make weapons. There is no need for women to go to the military too because as you said, the family members will get very sad for the next 2 years or so.
thats our debate motion for the 3rsd round