So, like, right now, I'm going to talk about memes in my life, which actually happened today.
1st, there was the new guy that came like a week ago, and when my class was headed to lunch, he wanted to go to the bathroom. But, we took a different route, and the bathroom was literally right next to us. For some reason, the girl's bathroom had the lights on when the boy's bathroom was off. So, he went into the girl's bathroom and then after a second, he saw the door which said "ladies" and then I think in his head he was like "ahhhhhhhhh!". Well, it was in front of the whole class and it was like, so funny.
2nd, when I was going to school, I meet up with YuJe (Anne), and like, when we were going to school we met Anne's sister and her friends (younger). And then they began to chant while swarming Anne "Ugly! Ugly! Ugly!" and they said that I was pretty and was like "Hey, pretty person, why do you hang out with ugly people?" Which was, like, adorably funny. They did that until we got to school and Anne's face was really flushed and I was laughing my head off, saying that her sister had good sense.
3rd, we played T-ball, which is, like, so fun (maybe cause we won), but, there is one thing that made victory even sweeter. We use a real bat, but the ball is so soft and cushiony, in my opinion. But anyway, we were on defense, and then the guy that I hated was just like, next to the hitting post, back turned. A baseball guy (야구부) threw the ball at him, but he didn't see it coming. And it bounced and hit his butt. And then like, everyone laughed (lol).
Lastly, there was the "rainbow" class, I like to call it. (도덕) We were practicing saying stuff nicely, wrapped behind layers. Well, we had to write a letter and then say it out loud. But it had to start with "to: XXX", so that nobody's feelings were hurt. My luck sucks, cause I'm next to the guy I hate the most, and he is loud, idiotic, and dirty. So I wrote, "Dear XX. I like having my area clean, but thanks to you, it's always dirty and that bothers me. I think that you always disrupt the class, and because of you, I can't really focus. I'm sorry to ask this much, but can you please be quieter during classes?". But of course, everyone knew that it was him, and all eyes turned.
This is it, and my opinion is that we should get 2 twixes next Halloween cause I bought another one for a replacement but it disappeared *magic*.

Joyce: we played T-ball, which is, like, so fun (maybe cause we won), but, there is one thing that made victory even sweeter.
Me: *whimpering dolphin noises because he didn't get to play T Ball*