Did you know that recently there is a movie being filmed in space? It is a Russian movie. As I know, it is the first movie ever filmed in space. Not made by computer graphics, but by actually docking to the International Space Station and making a movie. I believe their attempt is very astounding. The “ready~ action!” voice rang across the international space station. That was the start of the movie filming.
To me, the fact that three actors are going to space is not that surprising. Well, SpaceX and Virgin Galactic went to space, and we can only think that the number of people allowed on board increased. The story that reported about the film mentioned the result of filming for 12 days was tiresome but was successful. It would be more lifelike if there are movies filmed in space. It could also be a good experience for the world. Many people could get used to space, and develop their survival skills. In my opinion, there are many advantages to filming movies in space.
Still, there are cons to filming movies in space, in my opinion. For example, an accident might happen in space. If an accident happened on Earth, it would be better since hurt people could be sent to hospitals. However, if something wrong happened in space, it would be a catastrophe. The actors may have problems solving the difficulties in space, because of the limited resources and facilities. Additionally, humans are not experienced with space emergencies.
Still, I believe the moviemakers will do what they need to do. I hope there are more developments later on.

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