On Thursday I went to mr.Tom’s tree house. It’s in gang-hwa-do. Since it was a weekday, i got to miss school. Yay!! (and all extra curricular activities.)but it would mean an hour and a half trip to get there. So I was stuck between my two sisters,(my real sister and my little cousin sister)in the middle seat of the car. Boo hoo! So it was a long ride there, but we arrived at 1:30 P.M.
I think that some of you guys might be asking where we are going and it is a treehouse. But not some ordinary treehouse. It’s a treehouse that “mr.Tom” built himself. He is a carpenter.
i was so impressed when i got there because there is like a playground where he built himself. There are swings, hammocks, chairs, ziplines, and so much more that he built himself. I was speechless. It was all so greatly made. And the weather was amazing so it looked even better. There are 4 treehouses and people can rest there while their children play. Our treehouse was the best. It had a secret swing, a hammock, and the door to get in the treehouse was awesome. The door was like hanging from the ceiling. So if you climb the stairs, then the door is on the ceiling so you have to poke your head up in order to get in. I loved it. It was such a pretty house. And I certainly couldn’t believe that it was all handmade. Because, it was absolutely FLAWLESS. We played until about 2:30 and then we had ramen for lunch. (so good!) and Henry, by the way we had dumplings with it!!^^ and strawberries, tangerines, and juices. We ate until our stomachs burst. And then it was time to play again. So we played again until about 6,and we ate cupped rice with soup. (mi-yeok-gook.) mr.Tom makes smores in the fireplace and we cooked our marshmallows there. Mine was perfectly burnt. So we ate another sausage too. It was surely a magical day.
And it was time to go. (sad….)we packed our things, said thank you to mr.Tom,and got in the car. We all fell asleep in the car after one exhausting day. And we arrived home at 9:30.
So i hope you guys liked my blog post and if you guys have any spare time then i really recommend “mr.tom’s treehouse”. I will leave the link to it.

Oh! I saw this picture (or something similar i think) in your katok profile before!
I wanna go hang out in that treehouse to... Seems like a lot of fun