Today’s blog is about the dream house. It is a two-story house with a garden, swimming pool, a rooftop terrace, a game room, and a baseball field zone! Now, into the specific details.
First, the exterior description. The house is a square house with big windows. The color is white. It looks very friendly, too. Near the house, there is a garden with flowers and a medium-sized swimming pool! There is also a grass field around the house that people can walk on and play sports such as baseball and soccer! This field will be very useful. There would be some trees planted near the garden. It will look good. Big windows will be good when looking out at the sky when the weather is good.
Next, the description of the interior. The theme will be ‘cozy and comfortable’. There will not be many dark colors such as black, or dark blue, which will destroy the room's atmosphere. People in the house can watch fun programs and movies on a 100-inch TV. In the kitchen, there will be a smart refrigerator. It will give recipes and order groceries if there are less or none of them. There would also be an in-house smart AI system. It is able to talk to it, order stuff, and ask to play music. It will be cool and fun! People can listen to music whenever people want to!
This was my dream house, the house that Ryan wants to live in. Hope that Ryan really gets to live in this house. Hope you enjoyed^^
