My favorite season of the year
To start off,I will ask some of the characteristics about the season that I like the most.
:when the time is right, my trees will become wondrous colors, the wind will be slightly stronger, the weather chillier. I am around usually from October to November. What season am i?
I think that most of you got it right. It’s fall! I love when the leaves turn into red, orange and yellow. The chilliness! When you wake up and feel the morning breeze, you automatically say, “ahhhhhh~” back when I was in America, I lived in Houston, Texas. It was like a desert there. So hot! Even in the winter we wore t-shirts and shorts. Well, we didn’t even have winter. So the entire year, it was nothing but the sun. That's why I don't like summer or winter. Summer is too hot and i am bored of it, and for winter, i haven’t really experienced it because i was at america so long and last winter i froze to death.i have really no experience of snow and stuff that much. I guess I kind of like spring too but fall is better. You can play in the leaves with your friends, eat warm food and so much more. That’s why right now is the best time of year for me. October 23rd.
In conclusion, fall is the best season of the year. And I suggest fall as your favorite season of the year. however, because of global warming, spring and fall will get shorter and summer and winter will get longer. so PLEASE reuse, reduce, recycle.

Agreed. Absolutely. FALL ROCKS!