OK. My life is unfair. Or rather, I hate Wheel of Names. I mean, if you read Joyce’s blog, you’d probably know that I am a dog. No offense, dogs are very cute and I like them, but seriously, if you think reality, there is no way a little chihuahua will be able to survive in the harsh, cruel world, up against big and scary and majestic animals like bears and lions and white tigers. So basically, I will spin the wheel of fortune again and luckly, I will get a bear or a space unicorn. If I don’t, well, that just proves my luck.
(BTW the order was shuffled by Wheel Of Names, so if you are angry plz kill the app, not me thx~)
Up number one is… Jake!
Jake(Dolphin)=>...White Tiger! Very lucky, but considering the fact that he was one more pie(space)from a dolphin, uh, I am trying to say something very crafty here but i can’t… So onward!
Up number 2 is.... Ryan!
Ryan(Lion)=>...um, uh, I am not lying here, Ryan is again, well, a dog. Sorry pal. Go watch a video of LG winning, uh, ok?
Up number 3 is… Joyce!
Joyce(white tiger)=>... a snake. I'm not sure what she thinks about that but uh, Onward!
Up number 4 is… Me!
Roy(bear)=>...is a Space Unicorn! Yay, I won, I-uh, sorry, wrote what was in my imagination. I got picked, uh owl. No offense, owls are kewl.
Up number 5 is… Sihoo!
Sihoo(owl)=>... is oh gosh, a Bear! I mean, lucky him, but I’m not sure about how he feels about a Space Unicorn… BUT I AM SURE THAT HE IS VERY SATISFIED, RIGHT???!!!
Anyway, up number 6 is… Emma!
Emma(dog)=>... and she is a horse! Changing from a dog to a horse… I guess that’s good?
Up number 7 is… Stella!
Stella(horse)=>...and she is a lion! Strong competitor, I admit.
Up number 8 is… Julia!
Julia(dog)...oh gosh… I am not going to admit reality. I’ll let you people guess what she got…
Up number 9 is… Brian!
Brian(snake)=>... a dolphin! Not bad my friend, not bad at all.
Up Number 10 is… Henry!
Henry(cat)=>...is the human? Sadly, he cannot summon any more thunder or work as a banker. Sorry pal. But the real question… Mr. P is a cat???(No offence). I’m not sure how any of us feel, actually. Feel free to write it in the comments!
So to conclude, I guess I would enjoy being the owl! I always did want to fly...BTF(Bear That Flies)

Julia: Space Unicorn
horses are okay i guess...... but i still like puppies!!!!!!!!
ummmmmm what is julia????????
Hmph. You should thank the gods that I like dogs. So I won't have to watch a video of LG winning. Still, LG won two times in a row! SSG lost 6 times in a row...
julia: dolphin?