Okay, so the reason I am writing this book right now is because Luna forced me to. She says we should talk about the ‘adventures of a lifetime’ and blah, blah, blah. My name is Jack Tews, and my sister is Luna.
And now I, Luna will take over writing because Jack is doing to much of his ‘stalling’ technique. Whatever. Now he`s on the ground, groaning like I punched him in the gut. Which I did. Anyway, it all started in a school in Madison Wisconsin. It was called, Eye Point Punching School. Who names their school like that? Anyway, we were not even there. We were taking a field trip to the Smithsonian. We listened to the guide talk non-stop about herbivores and carnivores and stuff like that. I call it boring. Jack calls it ‘educational’. Nerd. So naturally, I pretended to go to the bathroom, and I went to the snack bar. I was just about to order my pickles with cookies when I saw it. In the middle of the bar, was a person. Other people swerved at least a meter of him like he was a blazing fire. His eyes seemed to glare at me. Once I got my snack, I went around to find a table. But they were all taken. The only table left was right next to Mr. Scary. I went over asked “Would you mind if I sat here?” “Of course, sweetheart. In fact, I`ll love it if you sat here.” He said. His voice was raspy, with no sarcasm, but I sensed he didn`t really like me. But I could not resist a nice, steaming pickle with a cookie, right? So, I sat down and began to eat. Suddenly, I saw something that made me almost scream. The man`s face turned momentarily into a skull, and he seemed to have long, sharp teeth like those of a wolverine`s. Before I could decide I had seen that I heard Mr. Vananberg`s voice. “Luna? What are you doing? Sneaking off! I should give you a week of detention!” Yeah right. Like detention would even matter. Right then, I saw the man next to me turn into a skeleton. But he wasn`t a human skeleton. He had the fangs of a wolverine, the claws of a panther, and he had thick horns. Mr. Vananberg walked fearlessly two him. He tapped his ring, a beautiful ring of gold, diamond, and titanium. The ring turned into a double-edged sword decorated with gold and diamond chips. “Good morning, king Tut, are you out for the chips?” He asked calmly. “You know why. Now get out of here before I destroy you as well” The skeleton rasped. “I`m afraid not. All nomads shall come to Snow Fort for protection.” Nomads? I vaguely remembered that nomads were travelers, but I had a home. Then, my teacher swung the sword. It struck the skeleton on the rib. “Go, Luna, before he reforms!” Sure enough, the broken bones slowly started to stick back together. I ran back to the guide. I had a feeling that I would be safe there. Yeah, right. I saw the skeleton move forward, dueling Mr. Vananberg. I grabbed Jack and took off.
Oh, finally, I get to write. Okay so technically, Luna is five minutes younger than me, but she bosses me around. So, when she started pulling me along, I had to follow. She got to the bus, and she did something that nearly made me faint. She started to drive the bus! Somehow, she got to press the brake and the wheels, I could see she typed in ‘Snow Fort’ in the GPS. What in the world was Snow Fort? The GPS rattled, and before my eyes, began to turn into a portal. “Wait, where are we-” I never got to finish my sentence, because then there was a bright flash, and all I could see were huge pieces of light as we swirled around and around. We reappeared in front of a large dome, made of glistening titanium. And we reappeared just in time for monsters.
There was a roar behind us, and we turned to see a huge serpent slithering up to us. I caught my breath. I turned to see Jack. He was as shocked as I was. The snake opened it`s mouth, probably to kill us, when the beatings of drums sounded. An arrow whizzed passed us and struck the thing. A dozen kids charged out and pulverized the poor snake. “Hello, I am Joe” One said. “This is Snow Fort. Welcome!”
So, when you think of a fort, you probably think of a castle with walls of stone and knights everywhere. You would never imagine a metal igloo. Luna and I went in as one of the bricks opened. “So, these guys here are nomads?” I asked. Joe turned. “What do you know about the ancient mesopotamia?” He asked. “Well, it`s between the Tigris and the Euphrates. Sumer was the first urban civilization.” Joe nodded. “Oh, man what do we have here?” a voice roared. I turned to see a boy. He looked just like those kids’ teachers would peg as bullies. He was a five feet tall, with muscles strong enough to smash a boulder in half. “Carson, come on! They just got here!” Joe said. “Exactly. I heard newbies have some cash. There is this new store I want a cookie from.” “No” I said. “No? Well, I`m not asking.” He grabbed at me. And their I was, thrashing and kicking, a foot from the ground. “I don`t know about you, punk, but no one says no to me and lives to tell the tale.” He raised his fist, and I saw that it was capped with steel spikes. I thought to myself, ‘I did not survive a snake to end like this,’ He punched. But his fist went right through me. His hand holding me up simply didn`t hold on. He kicked me and punched me, but all the attacks went through me. So, I launched a punch of my own. I willed my fist to turn solid as it hit Carson, and he doubled over. He was fuming. “Your dead, punk. I`ll rip you for this.” Then he went off. My sister and Joe were looking at me, opened mouthed.
So, my brother can turn into any element of any sort. Hurray. So, Joe showed us the playground, which I thought was inappropriate, because the monkey bars moved, grew spikes, the slide was ended in an acid pool, and the swing swung to the speed of sound. He introduced me to the kid in charge. He was a teenager, a boy. He wore black robes, and he held a long, wooden pole. “That`s Evan Roe.” Joe told us. Evan gave a shallow bow to us. “Hello, Luna and Jack. We were hoping you would survive. Come, I would show you your past.” He walked into a dark room. Suddenly, a bright orange blast lit the room. Evan had made a line of orange sparks. “In the land of ancient Mesopotamia, there was many civilizations. Sumer was the first. You were not born in this age. A long time ago, dinosaurs roamed the land. When the age of them ended, some survived. They became known as monsters. They hunted the new beings of this planet-humans. Some of them had many special powers. The few of those who had power and luck made a time portal. They came to the place where their kind ruled the earth. You people are one of them. You are not orphans, just your parents are a few thousand years older than you.” “But that`s crazy, there are no records of any of this.” “No, but they are mysteries. The land of Mohenjo-Daro, where people flourished, was suddenly destroyed of life. People were flattened on the streets; the roofs were ripped off. Do you think some natural disaster could have been so accurate? No, it is the Shellripper, the most powerful monster of all.” My head was spinning. How could such powerful beings exist? I looked over and saw that my brother was having the same feeling as me. But Evan wasn`t done. “These monsters still exist, forced to the many corners of this earth. But unfortunately, they are not the only ones to stir. Some evil force is stirring the dead, you met king Tut of Egypt. Many say it was tomb raiders who stole the body of him, but now I suspect that another soul could have occupied it for so long. Whichever things may be, the soul who uses the pharaoh’s body is a powerful force. It has eaten the souls of others, and only a spirit of pure evil and power could do this act.”
“This is what I believe to help you the most.” Evan said. He took out a bracelet. “Uh… thanks?” Luna said. “Tap it.” Evan invited. She did. The small bracelet shimmered into a sword. “This is multi-titanium. It can only be heated in the center of the sun, and even so, can only be hammered with the pressure of a hundred pyramids.” He gave me a small bottle of water. I was thirsty, so I screwed of the lid to take a drink. The bottle turned into a meter of brown metal. “This is silt iron. With a single scratch of the blade, it can turn any living being into silt.” He said. “Now let`s go outside.” When we got outside, we heard screaming. A black, wispy figure glided over. He wore a black cloak, had no eyes, no feet, and his cloak sleeves floated without arms. I knew that that was a ghost. Evan confronted the thing, without even his pole. He raised his hand. Orange energy came from it, trapping the thing. Then the origami began to tighten, until the spirit vanished. “How did the soul of Alexander the Great come here?” Then, the metal dome opened. Mr. Vananberg walked to us. “Hello, kids. I saved you life.” He said. Then he began to change. From a man in an Italian silk suit with a necktie, he turned into a lion. At least, partial lion. His head was a tiger, with a lion`s mane around it. His body was a panther, and he had the tail of a scorpion. He had leathery wings that looked like a bat`s. He roared. It was a booming sound, something like a sound of a thundering truck times a thousand. I drew my sword, and saw Luna did the same. “I am not here to hurt you.” He said. “I am here to defend you. The ghost came here by mistake.” “How can we trust you?” I asked. “Because I saved your life.” He said. As to prove it, a dragon the size of a skyscraper came down. It roared. Joe leaned closer. “That`s a baby Shellripper. Maybe a few days old.” The thing heard Joe and was offended. He looked like a flat turtle, with horns and teeth the size of cars. It let out his blast. We closed the door- just in time. I looked out the multi-titanium coated window and saw blue balls of energy the size of Snow Fort blast into us. It hit every time, and the base began to rattle. “It`s a really fierce baby!” Luna said. “Nah, it`s just playing.” Joe said. Mr. Vananberg- I guess roared and lunged out of the emergency break. He jumped to the dragon`s eye and began to claw his face. The thing roared and shook my teacher off. Then he scampered away, into the forest that only came up to it`s feet. Mr. Vananberg turned back into a human and said, “There’s a lot more of that were it came from.”