It was a dark night. The owls hooted from the sky, and wolves howled in the land. As much as I like getting pecked by owls or ripped by wolves, I was busy. Ahead of me I saw a light of bluish black light. I was running to it, and behind me, a creature rustled behind me. I didn`t know what it was. I didn`t want to know. I ran and ran, but the land around be began to fold and unfold again, until there was nothing but a dot it the universe, me running uselessly inside it like a hamster in a hamster wheel. The thing chasing me gained. It emerged; a dark form bigger than three meters. It opened its mouth, a black hole as dark as midnight. A clear, whispery voice said to me, YOUR DECISION. YOUR FATE. YOUR DEATH. The blue light I was running to vanished, and I was sucked into the black hole.
“WAKE UP!!!!” yelled a voice. I woke with a start. Whew, it was a nightmare. I groaned out of my bed as I tried to remember where I was. I was on a vacation with a few of my friends in the Grand Canyon. Ugh. I had a whole day of hiking to look forward to. I dressed out of my pajamas and went outside. “Yes, mom. I`m awake now.” Caroline, who was the one who woke me up, glared at me. “It`s eleven thirty. You`ve been sleeping through breakfast, and now it`s time for lunch. Now, Caroline was the school president. She had blond hair, brown eyes and was as tall as six and a half feet. She had a way with words, and if that didn`t work, well, she got scary. Compared to her, a charging bull seemed less frightening. The hotel room opened. Samuel Alumi walked in. Samuel, often called Sam, was an energetic kid. He was never calm, but he was cool. He never got worked up by anything, including Caroline`s anger. “Hey guess what? The hotel restaurant serves sausages and milk!” He said happily. He was tall, about seven feet, and had brown hair and green eyes. He was exceptionally strong for his age, strong as most adults. And he was fifteen. Me? My name is Oliver Votex. We were on a summer vacation, just the three of us. After we finished lunch, we went to the helicopter guide. We always started with something airborne to start the day. Yesterday was a parachute. Today was a helicopter. We went outside to enjoy the fresh air, stood in line for a few hours, then finally, we boarded the helicopters. We first glided over land not very below us. Then, we got to the canyon itself. I felt my heart fall to the pit of my stomach. The helicopter stayed flying, but the feeling was different. The guide was talking. “And there`s the rivers that formed the canyon, and there is our lair of destruction, and there`s the tour center…” Wait. Lair of destruction? I leaned over to Sam. “You hear that?” I asked. Sam nodded. He raised his hand and asked. “Sir, what lair of destruction?” The guide looked surprised. “You didn`t know? That is where we kill innocent youths who ride this helicopter. You`ll know soon enough.” Sam looked shocked and afraid. Caroline looked mad. She drew her weapon, a pocketknife and a switchblade and said, “I hope you were kidding.” The guide chuckled. “I`m afraid not.” He lunged at us. The next second held many events. The driver also charged at us, leaving his chopper in autopilot. I didn`t like that. The driver and the guide began to change into a… snail. A huge snail the size of a human replaced the guide. A snail as big as the chopper itself replaced the driver. The shells looked like it was made with more than just calcium. Caroline carried lots of things in her bag. I reached it and pulled out a kitchen knife. Small snail charged. I brought my sword down with all my strength, but the shell snapped the blade like a twig. The small snail hissed. “Our shells are made with multi-titanium. You cannot break it with regular metal, lunch!” Beside me, Sam, and Caroline wasn`t having much luck with the big snail. It sprayed slime all over them, sticking them to the ground. However, Sam managed to get a laser pointer in his free hand and flashed it at the small snail`s eyes. The snail`s eyes recoiled, and I pulled out my family heirloom, a golden switchblade, and stabbed it into the snail`s neck. The snail hissed, and I pushed it, down into the Grand Canyon. I heard a sickening crunch below, and I knew the snail`s fate. The big snail roared with fury and opened it`s jaw. It was a small hole, but it sucked in the helicopter and sent us plummeting down to the ground. We were falling a mile. If even a monster snail couldn`t survive this, I didn`t have hopes that we would. But the next few moments rocked. Sam grabbed a piece of rock jutting outwards and swung to the top. Then he began backflipping down the canyon walls, leaping on the walls to sustain a steady speed. As for us, Caroline vanished. She reappeared on the canyon floor. Me? I was doomed. I looked at the gaining floor, thinking about not dying. I closed my eyes, preparing for death. I didn`t die. There was a slight whoosh sound, and when I opened my eyes, I was floating. I looked down; I saw a dragon. It was blue, with sky blue patches in it`s skin. It`s tail was clubbed, like a thick disk with spikes all around it. It`s wings were striped with red, and it`s head had two horns. It let out a ringing sound that echoed throughout the canyon. I willed it to carry me down, and he obliged. Sam and Caroline were looking at me in shock. “Cool, huh?” I bragged. I went over to them and saw that we were in the bottom of the Grand Canyon. “I didn`t know you could teleport.” I said to Caroline, raising my eyebrows. “I didn`t, either.” We didn`t have time to celebrate, though. From the sky came our dear enormous pilot, rolling up into a shell. It hit the ground and rolled, unharmed. The snail body popped back up and roared. I pulled out my switchblade, Caroline hers, and Sam drew another kitchen knife, ready to fight. Luckily, we didn`t have to. Something crashed down from the sky onto the snail`s shell. There was a gold flash. The shell ripped open like rubber. The snail roared and hissed, thrashing wildly until the head was cut open. The person who saved us stepped to us. He had dark, black hair, blue eyes, and a playful smile on his face. “Hello! My name is Jack! Jack Tews, to be exact. “Jack? You still alive?” Called a voice. From the sky descended a huge dragon, about twice as large as mine. It had four short legs, three long tails, and red wings. From it leaped a girl. She had black hair, blue eyes, and a scowl on her face. “This is my sister, Luna.” Jack introduced. I took one glance at her knew she would always boss his brother around. Sam backed away. Caroline grinned. Of course. Luna`s personality must be really like Caroline`s. I had terrifying images of those two raging around the school, screaming for less homework. I shoved that thought aside. “Where are we going? We can`t be expected to go back to the hotel after this!” I said. “Sure, your going to go to a place that all humans with powers like you go. Come on, let`s go!” Sam and I shook our heads. “Nuh uh. I am not going to ride that dragon as long as Luna is riding it.” Luna glared at us. “Fine. I`ll ride a different ride.” She jumped off and created a mass of darkness. She should have fell through the cloud, but she floated on it. “Anyway, lets go.” I rode my dragon, and Sam and Caroline and Jack rode Jack`s dragon, called a Firewing. We touched down on a piece of land that had several ecosystems in one square mile. In the center was a place of glistening metal. One brick opened and we went in. “Welcome to Snow fort!” Jack said. He led the guide through the entire fort, bigger than the entire school. We went to the arena, where we met the three legendary sorcerers. “So, you stabbed the snail with a gold knife?” Evan asked. He had short brown hair, black eyes, and held a wooden pole. “Can I see the knife?” Joshua asked. He looked exactly like his brother, except he had a sword and was a bit shorter. I showed them the switchblade. Joshua examined it. “This is magicae gold. Where did you get it?” He said finally. I told them the story. When my parents died, all their possessions became mine. I was a kid, but I was given a large switchblade that was said to be a family heirloom. Then Collins went inside the room. I heard she could control most people with her voice, so I was very nervous. She had caramel hair, multi-color eyes, and had a golden sword strapped in her waist. The gold that Joshua and Collins carried were the same shade of gold as mine. Speaking or shade, the swords didn`t make one. The shadows were like a reflection. I opened my blade and examined it. Sure enough, it cast a reflection on the floor. Collins looked at us. “So, you guys fell into the Grand Canyon?” She asked. “You guys look fine for people who fell a mile.” “Well, Sam backflipped his way down, Caroline teleported, and I rode him down into the bottom.” I answered, even without thinking. Her voice encouraged us to talk about the fall, and I suddenly felt the urge to please her. Then I told myself to snap out of it. Me resisted.
Today, we had the first day of school. What kind of magical place for kids with inhuman powers have school? The only interesting part was the part about the several metals.
In the known world, there are many metals of magic. The most common metal is known as silt iron. Though not the strongest, it is very lethal due to its magical properties. With its mere touch, it can turn most living beings into silt. However, some creatures are immune. These creatures are the most powerful human beings in the world. Next is multi-titanium. It is very powerful, able to withstand the full force of an atomic bomb. It is heated by the full force of a star and is very difficult to do. Serene silver is next, and it is very difficult to find. It burns up most living things on touch. It also gives the user the ability to teleport to anywhere another piece of rare metal is. And the rarest of all, magicae gold. This metal is so rare that only kings or sorcerers use it. It is so powerful that it could vaporize a city with an ounce of magicae gold.
We have taken out the two metals ice steel and royal aluminum, for these metals signals the use of dark magic.
I stared at my bed at night. I took out my switchblade. I flipped it open and willed it to become larger. Instantly, a two-sided sword appeared in it`s place. I have never used this magic ever since I saw it`s damage. And the other side of the blade, glowing evilly, was the metal royal aluminum. The metal of evil.

owls pecking are sometiems signs of friendship