As most of you should know, I have pets. I have 2 dogs, one in our house, one in another and I have 2 birds but a few days ago, some crazy things happened to my first bird Ari. It all happened when she started limping. We didn’t know why but she was limping. So, eventually we started to blame each other for her injuries and we cared for her a LOT more than before. It didn't really help that the other bird (Tori in case you were wondering) was bullying her. After a few weeks, her leg started ROTTING yes, it began ROTTING. Everyday it became more and more black and bloody. It was so horrific to see and we had to take turns dressing it {with bird (?) medicine sold in animal hospitals} and it is kinda hard to see a bird with a black BLEEDING leg cringing and screaming in pain while you put big chunks of medicine on it. After more and more weeks of that routine, I was putting medicine on her when….AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH her leg just fell off like plop. I was so scared and worried but my mom had a relieved face. I asked her why she had that kind of face when a LEG WAS IN FRONT OF US and she said it won’t bother both Ari and us ever again. So we wrapped it up in some gauze, tied a pretty little ribbon over it and it is still on our bookshelf! Right now, Ari and Tori are both living very nicely and now-adays, if Tori attacks Ari, Ari gets him back. SO this was my story of a recent “accident”.

can ari even walk?
Ari is okay
Tori is Ari's boyfriend but they fight (don't know the exact reason)
Is Ari okay now? And why did Tori bully him? And how?
No offense, but it would have been really disgusting/shocking/scary when Ari's leg came out.