This blog post was written firstly because I love the movie and second because we had to write about a fictional story for this post. It is a bit old, though but very fun. I will give you the link to the trailer.
As you see in the trailer, that’s paddington. (the bear.) isn’t he cute? I thought that this was fiction because paddington is a bear and can talk. paddington 1 is kind of boring so i will explain paddington two. In paddington 1, paddington has no family to take care of him so he sets off to London. In London, he finds the browns, who welcome him into the family. They spend a lot of time together. Then in paddington 2, it’s their daily lives when paddington remembers that it was aunt Lucy's (the one who raised him in a forest when he was young she is also a bear) birthday and decides that he should give her a book to look at London for her. But then in the middle of the story, a villain appears and takes the book. It’s their mission to get the book back to aunt Lucy. However at the end of the story, the villain does go to jail but the book gets lost. Paddigton gets really disappointed about this but then the Browns do something for him that’s even better. They get Aunt Lucy to actually come to London. And that’s how the story ends.
I hope you guys liked my blog post!

Oh yeah, paddington is fun