You guys know how it's choosuck lately and people are giving out presents? Well, my mom's friend asked for Perfume. PERFUME!! I think that perfume is like the most stupid thing in the world right next to lipstick. I mean, we went to lotte, and there was this like lifetime supply of lipstick. Lipstick that is red, red that is a slight more red-er than red, and a red that is like pink, and like whatevs!!!! Look at that price too!! 40 man-won for like a perfume that makes me want to gag. Nevertheless, people buy them.
And, well, this is just ridiculous. They didn't let us smell it because of COVID. I mean, how are we supposed to buy perfume without smelling them? That is just insane. So, we went to... the magical land of olive young, where I needed to try out a gazillion different types of perfume, and in the end, I just said that I will "walk around the store", and then ended up seeing like stupid stuff like hair dye and lip gloss and other stuff like that.
I mean, why do people even buy perfume? There is a perfectly good thing called soap, you know. And, well, perfume is just... pink and smelly and expensive. If anyone gave me that thing, then I would refund it and buy myself bubble tea. Ohhh! For example, this is a story of how perfume is terrible.
(I just met Roy on discord) Roy, for fundraisers, was supposed to spray some perfume on the camera lens while filming (dunno why) but the thing is, it was in the wrong way. Backward actually. And guess who's lucky!!! Roy didn't have his glasses on then. "Poor Roy's eyes!" "He was so innocent" (I write this because someone, cough R*y cough asked me to).
1 more thing. I want to add perfume to my birthday list, because I really want to break one!!! Like, the jars are so fancy and expensive and whatnot and for me, I just want to break them lol.
Oh well, this was it bye.

...I like perfume? And also:
In today's episode of Unnecessary Gendering: Perfume for men is called "cologne," although, it's often not actually cologne. "Cologne" is supposed to come from Cologne, Germany or be less powerfully scented than an eau de toilette, which is what we usually think of as "perfume.
oh, and also MATH STINKS
I would add math to your 'Most Stupid things Ever' list