Pizza is a food enjoyed by a lot of people, and one of the places to eat it is at a park with a river. If a delivery person takes the pizza to the destination, the pizza might become cold. Most of the people want to eat pizza that is very warm and hot. Cold pizza is not preferred. Anecdotally speaking, receiving cold pizza is not a very satisfying experience.
A new, helpful drone that delivers pizza was made to combat this issue. It was made by the company, P-Square. The drone carries the pizza in a box and delivers it to the person who ordered it. Since the pizza is in a box, and not exposed to the air, it will remain at its temperature and not be cold. It will satisfy the consumers and reduce time since the drone will move fast. The box can carry up to 5 kilograms. One or two pizzas is then suitable for the carrier. Safety is another factor to consider. Some might think another drone might attack the delivery drone and take the pizza out of the box. First, there is a password that protects the pizza, and only a P-Square worker knows it. At the landing spot, another worker is waiting to place the pizza in the drone.
This drone would be convenient for people who want to eat pizza at a park, and not at a store. The world develops, and the pizza delivery drone also develops together. The pizza drone will be a big part of the world later on.
