# DUCKS are so poor! # Help DUCKS! # No Foie Gras! # 482 words

In France, people love to eat Foie Gras and still actually eat it, but I am really against this idea. First of all, the ducks are so poor. When you actually look at the process of eating Foie Gras, you would definitely say "Wow, how could people do that!" People put healthy ducks playing and just eating worms and snails on a cage. Now, if you think about that, that's so cruel. Think if you were a duck. Would you even like that. I mean if you see a person running to catch you and then just put you inside a cage. That's so awful. Now, you might think that 'Still, the people will give the ducks good food.' Yes, that is partially correct, but the people put the ducks on a special diet just like the picture on top of this writing. Would you just make the person do that if you were a duck? Of course not. So, the ducks squeal all day and all day long. People force the ducks to eat a huge amount of grain with a machine so that there livers would be containing much more fat than a usual duck. Also, the people making Foie Gras make the ducks in a cage that makes the ducks not even move 1 mm for 24 hours. That's terrible. Just to make more fat, people make the ducks not move - even a bit. They also don't care when some ducks get into pneumonia and just get a sudden death. The people who force feed the ducks will always be gloomy. Therefore, lets don't eat Foie Gras. Second of all, ducks are already having a hard time living. The number of the ducks living are always constantly getting down and down and down. You might say "What is he talking about, I see lots of birds in a lake." This is the main problem. People don't even now know how much ducks are poor. Also, ducks are even more poor because people are making lots of winter clothes. Because of this event, ducks are getting plucked by their fur. When you go to a farm, you will see how painful a single duck will be. People don't pluck a lamb's wool. They shave it. However, people actually pluck many of the duck's fur. Think about it. A person plucking your hair. When somebody accidentally plucks your hair, you would definitely say "Ouch, that hurts!". Ducks are getting this pain every year and every year. We and many people should definitely help many ducks. Many people are also helping ducks because they now know how much the ducks are actually very poor. They felt the pain with the duck also felt in their heart. I also fell like that. However, some people don't do that action. Those people need to change. If they don't change, ducks will do like