When adults think of school, they usually imagine a classroom with bright happy children who are eager to learn and teachers who teach great classes.

But the truth is.... no. School Stinks. Probably cause it's wayyy too easy for me. I'm not a genius, but like who doesn't know how to tie their shoelaces, the order of the solar system, and how to divide fractions. Like are you kidding me? This stuff is too boring. And if that stuff is not boring, it's always stuff that I don't care about.

The first few days of school I was half sleeping but after like a week, I realized that there was a better option. So what I did and still doing is I sneak a book and read it secretly.

I flip the page and find what part I'm reading and then put the textbook on top. If the lessons are not worth listening to, the I slide the book so I can read!

The only classes that I pay attention to is art, cause my class always does an activity then, and social studies cause my mom will kill me if I get a low score and the s.s quiz is not easy like it was in 4th grade, but 5th grade s.s quiz is really hard. I got a 85 on the last one and most kids got 60~70.

However, the hard land and memorizing name things are over, thank god, and we started human rights so it's not that hard now.
But there's one thing that I'm really mad at the school at. The P.E teacher. Like my fav subject is P.E, but the teacher is really unfair. He ALWAYS gives more chances and good stuff to the baseball kids and favored boys. So there is this thing called PAPS, and there was the running part where people run until they can't (One guy in another class collapsed and went loopy so now we run with our masks off).
The P.E teacher split the boys and girls into 2 and half the boys went first and they took like forever, cause this one boy is the only one standing, and he hogs like 10 minutes of everyone's time. The girls were doing NOTHING by the way, we couldn't even do dodgeball or anything, the other half of boys were measuring the running people's time. So, the first half of boys went, so shouldn't the girls go?
Isn't that logic, fairness, and equality? But noooo, boys are first, always first and they go again, and thus, 20 minutes or art (the next subject) goes down the drain. I think I'm going to write about it in the school homepage cause me and lots of other girls feel like this wasn't the first time.

Therefore, now you know what I think about school; it stinks.
eh hem
PAPS is rilly tiring by the way
I totally agree