So, today I am going to talk about some shortened words that we use these days on SNS, and what they mean.
(I put the examples as just anyone so don't get offensed plz)
1. "IKR"
IKR means "I know right?".
ex) Joyce: "I wanna kill Roy"
Julia : "IKR?"
Roy: "Wait wha-"
2. "LOL"
LOL means lots of laughs
ex) *Roy&Joyce fighting*
Mr.P : "Are they fighting again?"
Roy & Joyce :"Yes."
Everyone : "LOL"
3. "GTG"
GTG means got to go
ex) Roy : "hey I gotta to homework"
Joyce : "I GTG too"
Roy : "k bye"
4. "HW"
HW means homework
ex) Mom : "Do your homework, don't just lay around all day and eat chips, that's why you get fat and why do you not study (on~and on~ and on~)."
You : "I'll do my HW right now mom!!"
5. "RN"
RN means right now
ex) Student : "Mr Patrick, until when do I have to do this Christmas worksheet?"
Mr.P : "Do it RN"
Student : "Isn't this HW?"
Mr.P : "Just do it RN or I will drink your blood and then sing and then toss you off the roof with my special teacher super powers"
Student : "Okay, Okay, I will do it RN"
Mr.P : "Yes, thank you"
6. "TL;DR"
TL;DR means, too long don't read. This says that is the story or reading passage is too long, they won't read it. This is a internet word that is pretty popular among adults but not too popular around children like us, some of my friends did not know it so I'm just putting it in ;)
ex) Jake : "Roy, this Edge passage is too long ughhhh how am I supposed to read all of it"
Roy : "Well, I didn't TL;DR"
Jake : "Oh yeah TL;DR, I shouldn't read it too! thanks~"
Roy : "Your welcome!!"
7. (Lastly) "THX"
THX means thanks
ex) Emma : "Stella, what was this weeks homework?"
Stella : "It was to eat 5 chocolate bars, 7 candies, 50 hamburgers, 700 nachos, 900 unicorn cookies, 400 pickles, and lastly to swim in a swimming pool full of the unicorn poop Mr.P gave us 5 years ago, it should be the right color by now, rainbow, if you lost yours I can give you some of mine if u want!"
Emma : "Oop that is rough, better get eating up the homework ;(. Also I don't think I need the unicorn poop! THX anyways though!!"
Stella : "Okay~ bye!"
Emma : "Bye~"
So, I have covered 7 of shortened words and since it is 12 and I am sleepy, I will go off to dreamland! Bye everyone!! Good dreams~~

Those examples are so realistic😆