When I was young, weirdly I was brave(?) So whenever I needed to have a vaccine shot or something my mom said that I didn’t cry like any other kids and just got my shot like an adult or something. But now I hate shots. Maybe it's because I watched too many movies. I used to watch a drama series about doctors. But then when I watched those drama’s I suddenly thought that getting shots is super creepy. A person is putting a weird liquid and it pierces your skin while doing it and they just put a bandaid? I think that that is just wrong. Now it's just so creepy whenever I get shots. And also after getting the shots the arm hurts so much. Like bruised. But my shot phobia wasn’t that serious until I came to Korea. And that's because as soon as I came to Korea the first thing that our family did was go to the hospital and do a health checkup. And we had to do something horrifying. We had to take out our blood to see if we had any allergies. But the person who did my arm wasn’t a professional and after she took like half a bottle of blood, she said that she was doing it in the wrong spot and took it out and did it harder which hurt like a lot. And so I believe that shots and taking out blood are the weirdest and harmful thing in the world to people like me.
Shot or like needle phobia