So yeah. I'm bored. That's why i'm writing this blog in the first place. So i'v been thinking about 2 day's topic, and I thought that I'd just explain 2 u guys about what my strange words mean. So if u didn't notice, I say some strange words now 'n again. For instance, DD and BB. I made those up a couple of weeks ago. So, i'll give u time 2 guess... And time over! So, DD means Dolphin Dude a.k.a Jake Choi. And BB means Bear Bro which is um, me! I think... Anyway, I also have this word called "minemen". Even I'm not sure what it means. I just came up w/ it w/ no apparent reason. But I think it's basically men n women combined in 2 1 category. BTW "w/" means "with", if u didn't know. BTW, "BTW" means "By The Way" if u didn't know. +, WTB means, um, "What The Bear". I know the H word is a no-no word, so I changed it 2 Bear. I don't know if that's OK, but yeah. And um, finally(I think that this is the latest word I made) there's this word "my mans". So this basically means um, men. So either u fit in 2 2 categories: my mans or not-my mans. I don't know if that makes any sense. But hey, this is my um, stuff(I wanted 2 say something cool but I couldn't). So, um, bye~!(I'm using the word "um" a lot 2)
