Today, (Friday) I had soccer, which is the best academy in the world. Anyways, 1 problem. I’m the only girl, but the others are almost all younger than me. Still, I use something that they can never use. My brain. A boy told me that I had a savage attitude and I took that as a compliment because when a kid said that he hurt because he ran too much, I told him to stop running and when a kid got in the way (on purpose to stop the ball) of a ball and got hit (I didn’t kick the ball), he was lying on the floor moaning, I said that he should have ducked or something. And one time you know when the other team scores, you start at the half-line, I kicked it and it hit a boy (the one who scored), maybe on purpose, maybe on accident. I also closed the door to the soccer room and a boy asked me “Why did you close the door?” and I said “Why? You can’t open a door?”. Today, my team won. 4-1 and 2-1 (We changed teams). I ate a sandwich from Paris Baguette after (I don’t know why I included this). Friday is the best day in the world.

Fridays are AWESOME!
-Carl Azuz (a.k.a Ryan)