Big news! Well, For me, not for you people, however, as it is important to me, I will write about this.
Choi jung(SSG landers, No 14, age 34, earned money per year: 1000000000 won) hit 400 home runs on tuesday. THis isn’t a small record. In the whole history of the KBO league, only 2 people including choi jung hit more than 400 home runs. The other is Seung Yub lee (samsung lions(former), age 45 hit 467 home runs) You see its a rare record. THis isn’t all. On the next day, he hit ANOTHER home run. (vs NC a 3 run) On the next next day, he hit ANOTHER home run(vs DOOSAN(nice!) a 2 run). P.S Ssg won Doosan by 7:1 that day BOO HOO. On today he hit ANOTHER home run(VS DOOSAN(fabulous) a 2 run). P.S on 8 pm SSG is winning Doosan by 10:0 HA. So, home runs on 4 days in a row! You know, its a rare record. So, on the home run race, Choi jung is the first place by 35 home runs, a big distance with the 2nd place, with 32.
Choi jung hit more than 10 home runs 13 years in a row. This is the first on the KBO league. After 2016, Choi jung is hitting a lot of homeruns. THe lowest is 29 home runs last year,and 29 is still a lot. As 34 years old is not to old and his pace is good, I believe Choi Jung will be able to hit more than 467, and EVEN hit more than 500.
Even if you don’t like SSG, for the sake of the KBO, please encourage and support him to hit a lot of homeruns.
400 home runs???