Hello people, nobody commented on what animal (weep weep) so imma just choose it my own
Mongoose vs Cobra
Mongooses are pretty small creatures. However, they ae speedy, brave, fierce, smart, witty, and every good word u might think of when it comes to fighting except for size. And maybe looks. Outside, its just a cuddly little cute small creature. So, don’t divide creatures by looks!!
Cobras are big(no, long) and look scary. And they are. Anyways, they have a hood they spread if angry. They have dreadful poison that can kill a elephant. The cobra will be a king cobra.
THe cobra, angry because the mongoose distrbed his sleep, it strikes. Like lighting. But the mongoose is fast. It avoids the blow. Though it seems like he is confident, he is not. He knows the opponent is dangerous. He raises his paw, seeming like he would slam, but he actually bites,. The neck. THe cobra tries to bite too, but as he is bitten on the neck, he could not move. It tries to coil, but however, it is a cobra, not a boa. It does not have strength. Te soul of it starts to slither away, second by second.
Sour loser: Cobra
why sour loser???