You guys all know that drama series, right?? Well, over the last few days, it has been like, really famous throughout the whole world or the magical Netflix. It sored #1 on, like, i think all of the countries.
Anyways, getting to the point, it's fun. Like really, really fun. *SpOIleR aLerT* My dad was watching it when I came home from debate comp. I saw only like a tiny teeny weeny bit (thanks to my mom, she thought that it was too violent), but then me and my brother started asking questions every single chance we got, and in the end, we got to watch it.
For those who do not know, in squid game, people do Traditional play things like marble hitting or a flower bloomed. And they play all of these things, and the losers…die. Yes, die. They do this until only 1 person is left. Guess how many people there are! 456! But, all of these people are in debt, like, really, really, high debt that can’t be repaid, and I think that if you win you get like 456억. Here is the twist. There was this #1 grandpa (all of the players have these jumpsuits with their numbers on them) who was the host. Host of the games. He was crazy rich and bored out of his mind, so he hosted the games.
There are squids who run the game, but some decided to (against the rules) get the organs of the dead people (like eyes, or livers, etc) and sell them for a lot of money. And there was a doctor who was one of the players. So, the squids ask the doctor to take out the organs and in exchange, they tell him what the next game is. This is a huge advantage cause you can know who to pick for your partner/team. But in the end, they get busted.
The main character is nice, but personally, I wanted #067 to win. The squid game was basically a scam to the people cause they signed up not knowing that “losing” meant “hole in your head”, “skull crushed”, or “falling off a cliff”.
It's fun to watch if you do not mind watching people die. I recommend that you just watch the Youtube videos, like squid game shortened, because otherwise..... too much blood. This was it, bye!

My parents love that show
It's pretty cool
But this is really, really cruel with such high, detailed graphics of people falling off or bleeding from stabbed wounds... So NEVER watch a whole episode if u don't have a stone stomach
I sadly learned that fact a little late... :(