You at least should have heard of the legendary movie, Interstellar. This is actually a super duper confusing movie, because there is time related stuff. Anyways, to start, The setting is the future. In the future, the main character, Joseph Cooper, comes out. He is a former NASA astronaut, and a present farmer. However, there is a problem. Sand kept flying in the air, blowing windows open, and killing the plants. One day, his daughter, Murphy says that there is a ghost in her room. Cooper, who believes in only scientific facts, goes to her room, and shows her that there is no ghost. However, sand started falling. Murphy and Cooper watch as the sand falls in a mysterious way. Finally, when the sand stopped, they checked out what was there. Cooper, as a former astronaut, recognizes the sign. Coordinates. After that day, he travels to the coordinates, not knowing that Murphy was hiding in his backseat. Where he found it was incredible. An NASA base. This place was restricted to only the people who know this place, but he goes in. He also finds out Murphy, and she follows him. After that, they meet the scientists that were working, secretly, in the base. There were more than he expected. He also meets Dr. Brand, a professor working to make people move to a new planet. He actually knew Cooper, because he worked with him before in NASA. Anyways, after that, Brand succeeds in persuading Cooper to make another trip to space. He explains plan A and plan B; plan A is where they succeed in sending people to the planet using a wormhole(ft. black hole) and make them live on that planet. Plan B is where they get artificial human cells, and send it to the planet. He promises to Cooper that he will try his best for plan A, and starts concentrating on the math to make it happen. On the other hand, when the two got home, Murphy didn't want Cooper to go. She shows him the books that fell by the so-called 'Ghost' and that she transferred that to Morse Code; and she also said that it said 'STAY.' However, leaving Murphy behind, he goes to meet Brand, and finally travels to space. They start with 4 people; Amelia Brand(Dr. Brand's daughter), Doyle, Romilly, and Cooper. As they travel to space, Amelia says she contacted 'Them.' Her hand looked twisted up, but it was okay. After that, they hibernate in the spaceship. When they woke up, they needed to choose; The Miller Planet, The Mann Planet, and the Edmunds Planet. There were already these three people that found planets. They reported to Cooper's team, or were supposed to. Only Mann kept reporting. Here, they have an argument. But due to Doyle's strong belief that they need to go to the Miller Planet couldn't be argued against. It was a place that had water, and water was an important thing for planets. However, when they came to the planet, there was nothing but water. Soon, the assist robot, TARS, alerts them that more than 7 years on earth equals one hour here. The problem is that the engine is broken because of the water. Also, according to TARS, it said that Miller died before a few minutes they came, by this planet's time. While the team was collecting resources for the ship, Cooper realized there was no land here. They could only rely on the debris of Miller's spaceship. But, Doyle says he sees land. Cooper, too, looking in his direction, sees a silhouette of something like land. But as time passes, the land, or something like it, comes closer, closer, and more closer, and the team realizes that it wasn't land, but a gigantic tsunami. It would swallow them up if the team didn't escape. So, the team fixes the ship as fast as they can, and flies out. Tragically, Doyle didn't make it, and he was drowned by the wave. TARS informs them that 23 years, 4 months, and 9 days have passed on Earth, while they spent only three hours. When Cooper checks his mail(I'm not sure how it works), he finds videos from his daughter and son, Murphy and Tom. The first video, Murphy's, showed a grown-up girl. The first word she said was, "Hey dad. You son of a (curse word)." Though it's not so appropriate, it showed how much Murphy waited for her dad. The second video by Tom also included him not believing Cooper will even come back. Cooper, devastated, falls in a hibernate cell again. When they woke up, the three had an argument about where they should go. Amelia wanted to go to Planet Edmunds, but she was outvoted. So, their next destination became Planet Mann. Mann was the only professor who kept sending reports, even till the present day. He said that he could farm, there were enough resources, and the air was good. But as soon as they saw Planet Mann, the crew knew that something was wrong. The place was covered with thick, polluted ice. Ammonia was found in the air. This was definitely not a place that humans could live. Mann has lied. He only used the crew for his farewell. He has a big fight with Cooper, and they fall off a hill. Mann breaks Cooper’s helmet, and soon Cooper runs out of oxygen. Thankfully, he was rescued by his crew. While Amelia and Cooper try to stop Mann, Romilly investigates KEEP, another robot like TARS. But, when Romilly tries to access the hidden information that Mann hid, KEEP explodes as programmed, and Romilly dies. Also, Mann escapes with the crew’s ship. So, the two that are left needed to use Mann’s ship, which did not have much fuel left. When that was happening, Mann tried to dock on the space base the crew lived at. However, he misses the point, and that hatch soon explodes with Mann. After a safer dock with the base, Amelia and Cooper decide what they need to do. There was actually a Black Hole not far away from them. Someone needed to go in there, because of the data needed, and the swing-by(using the altitude of going near the Black Hole, and then blasting at a much faster speed), because they didn’t have much fuel left. Amelia says she’ll go. But, as she was getting ready, Cooper leaves first with TARS. So, Amelia heads to Planet Edmunds, and Cooper falls in the Black Hole. The Black Hole is too hard to describe, so I’ll put a picture;

In the Black Hole, what he saw was his past, or maybe present events. From here, it gets super complicated. So, he first finds Murphy and him standing in front of her room. she was talking to him. “There is a Ghost in my room.” Cooper knew what would happen. Cooper, in the black hole, spreads sand that was in that scene, to show the coordinates of the NASA base. In another scene, he sees him trying to talk to upset Murphy. He knew what would happen, and he didn’t want to. So, that legendary scene comes up: He looks through what looks like Murphy’s bookshelf in her room. He hits it multiple times, crying; “STAY!!! STAY!!!!”

While he saw himself walking out of the door. He uses Morse code to make the words ‘STAY’ with the books. Yes. The books that fell at the start of the movie. After that, some scenes that I can’t understand go by(something related to a wristwatch and Cooper’s house on fire). When he was devastated that he couldn’t stop himself, he heard a voice. TARS. He was indeed delightful. He decides to tell all of the data Cooper has gotten to TARS, and send it to the NASA base on Earth. Thankfully, it worked, and Murphy found out the way to solve plan A. On Cooper’s side, he takes a long sleep at the black hole, but suddenly he was woken in a white room, with a weird environment; the scientists called it “Cooper Space Station,” but not in the name of Joseph Cooper, in the name of Murphy Cooper.

She found out the secret to all. And Murphy, now over 200 years old, finally sees Cooper, her father, and closes her eyes forever, as a hero for everybody. And again, after life at Cooper station, he remembers Amelia. Soon, there is a scene where he rides a plane, and Amelia at Planet Edmunds, eating a crop. Like this, the movie ends. Personally, the movie ‘Interstellar’ was such a shock to me. I couldn’t believe that the black hole was made like that. How far can one’s imagination reach? Also, I actually was mentally shut down when I saw that Cooper was the Ghost. In many ways, I think the movie ‘Interstellar’ was one of the best movies I saw.
Another recommended Movie: Alien
If you have the guts to watch it, it's a fun movie(ft. horror+SF)
i should watch it it seems so fun
I didn't read the whole blog becuase i didn't want spoilers 😀