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So, I've been lookin' around my gmail, and your Wix blogs, Juan is writing a story, Stella is, Roy is, Julia is, and also Ryan is. I'm kinda proud, you know. 'cause I started all of this. And some of you have written more than me already! So, as a person who's wrote a story just a bit more earlier, I want to give you some tips. You don't need to follow them.

Anyways, first, only use 'Arial,' 'Roboto,' or anything like that. It's way more comfortable to read. Many of you guys aren't, I recommend it, it's OK if you don't want to.

Secondly, use your 'Chapter __' thingy to 17 pt, and make it bold. Same reason with the before, and I'm using this setting. Also, try and make 2 spaces on the top and bottom of the 'Chapter __' to make it read easier.

Third, use nothing but 11 pt on your stories. Yeah, yeah, most of you guys do. But I'm telling you again. 11 pt is the best size.

Fourth, try reviewing/comparing/advising on other stories. Of Course! You guys do. But you guys don't Advise s much. Advice is a good thing for the Author to look at and give ideas, or fix their stories. So advising is a good thing for all of us.

And last but not least, plz read A&C... Maybe you do and I don't know. So... If you come and read a posted chapter, you can comment on any word that you came, and other people can reply on it if they came on the same date.


For people who came down until here, I'll give you a rough idea of how I'm going to go on at A&C. For people who HATE spoilers, you can quietly get outta here.

Go Down for the spoiler of the story.

So, I'm going to make him train right after chap 15, and then the Chaos army finds out he has come. Then they make their guards more strong and make many. That will make the army stronger. So, Jake, Sally, Autumn, Matthew, Aqua(who is soon to be Jake's bond), Honeymoon(Future Autumn's bond), Flow(Future Matthew's bond), and Golden Eye(Future Sally's bond) go on to the quest, as Octo, Atlan, Mosac, and Harry(The ones Jake and his friends meet during training; they go with them on the quest because it will be too hard for only the 4) follow. They meet small and big conflicts, and during, someone disappears, and they fail to find this character, they barely go to Chaos' domain. After, they meet 'this character' that was gone. This character was ________(Too big spoiler). After that, they fight chaos, and during, Octo and Mosac dies. They go back to Atlantis, get a feast, and go home finally (Chaos was blocking the only way to home).

Epilouge-The hidden character makes a secret plan.

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Jungwoo Seo
Jungwoo Seo
Mar 14, 2021

Thanks Jake!😄

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