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Hey, how`s it going? My name is Reed Name, Madison, Wisconsin. Well, my real name is Calamo Uno-Nomine. So, since that is Latin for Reed Name, that`s what I call myself and everyone calls me. Until last fall, my life wasn`t a problem.

It all began at my field trip. My best friends, Alex Mcenzy and Isaac Boone were having a heated game of arm wrestling (in the bus! I know, right!). “That`s cheating!” Alex protested when Isaac tried to use his thumb to twist Alex`s pinkie. “All right, sorry, sorry.” Isaac said. He was this big guy about six feet tall, black hair and green eyes so intense that you could almost see him thinking. Alex was a science geek. He had blonde hair and sharp blue eyes that seemed to pierce through you when he glared. He was smarter than most adults. He could make anything from a mini drone to a candle “Alright, kids! This is the planetarium! Now, enjoy yourselves. Oh, just before we go…” Then our teacher, Mr. Drew, began telling us what to do and not do. You could chew me out (like my parents) that I should listen to the safety rules, but I figured I was safe.”

Oh, the bliss of ignorance!

As soon as we entered the place, we went strait to the second floor, the snack bar. We passed spaceships that Alex ogled at and some of our school bullies that Isaac sent to the final destination (well, not literally). We reached the snack bar. That`s when my rotten luck began to unfold. Well, my corn dog had mayonnaise. Who puts mayo on a corn dog? As I carefully nibbled around the mayonnaise, my lack of hearing let me down.

Well, if Mr. Drew said something along the lines of “…and don`t go to the snack bar because a meteorite might hit it.” Then I would never hear another word without writing it down. The meteor was invisible. I first thought that the roof was caving in. Then I noticed the fact that all the rubble bounced off a section of the air. “Dive!” Alex yelled. He dived inside a titanium spaceship. Isaac went below rubble. Somehow, he kept his fort together. Me? I had nowhere to go. I threw my half-eaten corn dog like a dart and saw it bounce off a section of the air. From the spaceship, a muffled voice of Alex said, “DUDE! THAT THING IS SOME SORT OF CLEAR MATIREAL! HIDE DIVE WHATEVER!!!!” I got a piece of cement and lugged it with another piece, making a stone tent. I dived inside. For some reason, the meteorite was round, like a ball, and it was a lot bigger than I thought. With dirt and bits of rock covering it, it became visible. The part that flattened the snack bar was almost flat, but I could feel some round texture as it hit us. Then I blacked out.

I woke up again in a hospital. My eyesight was blurry, but I could see my friends studying me with concern. I rose out of my comfy bed. Alex was holding a newspaper. I could see the headline: INVISIBLE MOON FLATTENS WASHINTON DC. “Dude. That thing that hit us-it was the size of the entire state of Washington. We`re the only known survivors. Accounting for the fact that the Earth`s atmosphere should have burned down a lot of the meteor, in space, that thing was the size of Pluto.” Alex said. “And the entire thing is made of a new kind of substance that could withstand pressures strong enough to crack diamonds.” Isaac added. I looked out of the window. I could see an entire city flattened to the ground, leveled. Thankfully, because of the white powder that the scientists put on the new meteorite, I could see it. It was huge, bigger than anything I`d ever seen before. It must`ve taken a lot of time to put that powder. Which means… “How long was I out?” Alex shook his head sadly. “Honestly, I don`t know. I just know that we were all unconscious for a long time, I woke first, then Isaac, than you, exactly one month apart. But the time that we were in the hospital after they found us… maybe about five months ago.” Alex twirled his fingers. For a moment, I saw something. It was kind of like a blue light, that flickered for a moment between his fingers then disappeared. I shook my head. “Whoa. Alex, what was that blue light thingy?” I asked. Alex looked up innocently. “Nothing. I don`t know what you`re talking about.” I could feel it in his voice, the same humor that I felt when he said he did not eat my lunch. Lying. “ Alex Marine Mcenzy! What are you not telling me?” Alex`s eyes widened. He tried to bolt to the door, but I was faster. I grabbed him by the arm and judo flipped him, like the time I found out he ate my lunch. Then Isaac intervened. He smacked Alex with a pillow and sent him into a daze. I set him down on my bed. “Um… Alex wouldn`t tell me about that blue thing either. I hope you can get him to tell you.” Then my rotten luck got worse. My hands burst into flames. I looked at it, shocked. I tried to shut it down. Then my hand froze. Like, literally froze, into ice. Then it returned to normal. Since I didn`t want to be hit by a pillow, I told Isaac everything before he even asked. It was “I don`t what happened, I swear.” Isaac seemed to accept that. Then Alex woke up. “I`m not going to tell!” was his respond.


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