I see a great amount of fine dust. Yesterday it was terrible, but now, its basically of the chart. We shouldn’t go out of our beds it’s so dangerous out there. Lucky baseball ended before this day.😎 The players would have been poor. When the fine dust gets so terrible, the government is supposed to cut half of the cars, stop all constructions, etc, but it never happened before. I think this is the timing 🙄
I see a lot of cars. Well, its seoul Korea i guess. I have no idea why I am writing about this.
I see ‘some’ red yellow orange leaves. About 2 weeks ago it was so full of firey shades of color, it was pretty, but now, on ly 20 % of it is left. THat makes me sad, because fall is leaving and winter is coming. Unless snow comesa lot, all I can see in my room in winter us just some cow trees.
Usually, there are children playing anytime before 9:00 pm but now, theres no one. The apartment is abandoned.
Roy sent me a hangout but then he stopped in the middle. He must be dead…
P.S doosan let Kt win 4 times in a row, so they lost KS, -plus, theres a little possibilty that doosan will get good players next year