Like, I know this isn't homework, but I'm just writing this cuz I'm bored. Also fun fact, I wrote this about 2 hours after I wrote my other blog, "umm...i wrote...something". Yeah. I know. Horrible title. But I had like, no other ideas 2 use. Right now, I'm writing this while sitting on Curble(I know DD , Curble is not *comfortable*). Oh, and by the way, DD means Dolphin Dude=Jake Choi. By now, I'm starting 2 wonder if writing this was a good idea after all. I mean, I'm just writing this without any reason... Now, I'm watching a TV comercial about this dude drinking beer and his eyes becoming the color of beer, which I think is pretty creepy. OK, I've decided that I'm gonna write about me complaining about everything. So first, curble. I mean the *chair* color is nice and all, but dude, wtb?! It's soooooooooooo uncomfortable. It could only be me, but I really think that it should be banished, like, forever. Also, I just realized that I missed my favorite history TV show so WTB(What The Bear) DUDE!!! So, I looked at the week 6 day 1 HW page, and do I really don't need to do wonder, or debate? I mean, that's cool with me, but it seems strange... Anyway, I need to do some other stuff so BBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(2 clarify, this wasn't for homework)
